Feb 15, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Global Learning Core (B.A. Requirement)

The Global Learning Core at Chowan University is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collection of courses designed to immerse students earning a Bachelor of Arts degree into global historical, artistic, cultural, social, political, geographic and political topics.

The Global Learning Core is a minimum of 12 credit hours. Applicable special topics courses can be approved as acceptable substitutions which must go through the regular course substitution process. Courses used toward fulfillment of Major or Minor Requirements or General Education Requirements may not be used to fulfill the Global Learning Core Requirements. Please consult the Course Descriptions section of the catalog for course prerequisites.

ART 211   Art History I

ART 212   Art History II

BIOL 211   Environmental Science

ECON 250   Microeconomics

ECON 251   Macroeconomics

ENGL 201   Survey of British Literature to 1800

ENGL 202   Survey of British Literature Since 1800

ENGL 205   Survey of Ancient World Literature

ENGL 206   Survey of Modern World Literature

ENGL 310   History of the English Language

ENGL 320   British Medieval Literature

ENGL 330   Renaissance Literature

ENGL 350   British Romantic Literature

ENGL 360   British Victorian Literature

FREN 101   Elementary French I

FREN 102   Elementary French II

FREN 201   Intermediate French I

FREN 202   Intermediate French II

GEOG 151   Introduction to Geography

HIST 256   Medieval Europe

HIST 257   Early Modern Europe

HIST 258   Modern Europe

HIST 327   Latin American History

HIST 328   History of Africa

HIST 329   The Middle East

HIST 345   England & Britain to 1603

HIST 346   England & Britain since 1603

HIST 451   Modern Russia

MUSI 171   Worlds of Music

HON 201   Honors Seminar I

HON 301   Honors Seminar II

HON 401   Honors Seminar III

PSYC 250   Cultural Diversity in Psychological Issues

REL 221   Introduction to Ethics

REL 231   Introduction to Philosophy

REL 268   World Religions

REL 270   History of the World Christian Movement

REL 290   Mission Practicum

REL 340   Christianity in the Roman Empire

REL 350   History of Christianity

REL 363   Social World of Early Christianity

REL 372   Global Ministry and Cross Cultural Issues

REL 390   Travel Study (Also offered as HIST 399)

REL 419   Jesus in Historical Context

REL 470   Theology of World Christian Movement

SOCI 101   Introduction to Sociology

SPAN 101   Elementary Spanish I

SPAN 102   Elementary Spanish II

SPAN 201   Intermediate Spanish I

SPAN 202   Intermediate Spanish II