Feb 15, 2025  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Finances and Financial Aid

Chowan University will make every effort to control the costs of tuition, room, and board. Through the support of private gifts from alumni, businesses and friends, and endowment earnings, Chowan is able to charge tuition that is less than the actual cost of instruction. The following Fee Schedule has been set for the 2015-2016 academic year by the Board of Trustees; however, the University reserves the right to change these rates upon notice to students.

Student Fee Schedule For 2015-2016 - Traditional Program

Item Per Semester

Tuition and Student Activity Fee (Full-time: 12-19 hours)* $11,700
Residential Fees**  
  Double Occupancy - 19 Meal Plan $4,340
  Double Occupancy - 14 Meal Plan $4,180
  Private Room - 19 Meal Plan $5,140
  Private Room - 14 Meal Plan $4,980
  Private Room - 10 Meal Plan (Whites Crossing Apartment Only) $4,895
Board: See Board Plan Options  

* Students taking more than 19 hours during a semester will be charged $385 per credit hour over 19. A student must receive the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs to enroll for more than 18 hours.

** Each residential fee includes an Amenities Fee that helps to defray the cost of providing internet connectivity, basic cable TV, and laundry services to each residence hall.

**Sales Tax is included in the Residential Fee for the applicable portion relating to the prepaid meal plan.

Board Plan Options

All resident students must participate in an eligible board plan.

Meal Plan Options
Meals Per Week
Dining $’s Per Semester
Requirements / Limitations
19 Meal Plan Up to 19 meals per week $25 Available to any resident
14 Meal Plan Up to 14 meals per week $75 Available to any resident
10 Meal Plan Up to 10 meals per week $150 Available only to Whites Crossing apartment residents
  • The week will be defined as beginning Monday breakfast and running through Sunday dinner. Meals cannot be carried over from week to week, nor can they be transferred to other persons.
  • Dining $’s are available to the student based on the meal plan selected. These dollars can be used at the student’s discretion in the cafeteria or in the snack bar. They do not carry forward from semester to semester and are non-refundable to the student.


The University allows students and families to deposit funds onto their HawksCard (student ID) via the internet or in person in the Business Office. These funds can be used in the bookstore, cafeteria, Murf’s, or for laundry. HawksBucks balances are only refundable to the student upon request as a result of separation from school or the end of the academic year. A fee of $3.00 per semester will be assessed against dormant accounts after students separate from the University.

Laundry $’s

The University will provide each residential student $45 Laundry $’s per semester on their HawksCard (student ID). These Laundry $’s can only be used to operate washers and dryers in the residence hall laundry facilities. A wash cycle will cost $1.25 and a dry cycle (40-45 minutes) will cost $1.25. In addition to the Laundry $’s, HawksBucks and coins can be used to operate the laundry equipment. (Whites Crossing Apartments will not receive $’s as there is laundry equipment in those units). Students purchasing private rooms, other than in Whites Crossing Apartments, will receive $80 Laundry $’s per semester.

Unused Laundry $’s are non-refundable and will not carry forward from semester to semester.

Limited Term Student Accident and Sickness Plan

The cost ($325 per year) of a Limited Term Accident and Sickness Plan is assessed to every full-time student unless a Waiver Form is completed, certifying that the student is covered by some other insurance plan(s). This waiver form must be completed online on or before August 28, 2015. Students enrolling for the first time in the Spring Semester will be assessed $220 unless a Waiver Form is completed on or before January 15, 2015.

The plan runs from August 1, 2015 to June 1, 2016 or January 1, 2016 to June 1, 2016 for spring enrollees. To complete the Waiver Form go to: www.chowan.edu/insurance.

Other Costs


  Part-time Tuition (less than 12 hours) $385/hour
  Graduate Tuition $385/hour
  *Overload (more than 19 hours) $385/hour

Persons over 60 years of age or ordained ministers actively serving a church who meet the admissions requirements of the University may take up to 9 semester hours at a rate of $150 per semester plus any special fees that apply on a space available basis.

* The overload fee is waived for members of the Honors College if their enrollment in an Honors College course results in an overload.

Commuter Meal Plan

A commuter meal plan is available to commuter students for $535, including sales tax. This plan allows the student to consume 86 meals per semester in the dining hall or snack bar. Meals cannot be transferred to any other person, nor can unused meals be carried forward to another semester.

Books and Supplies

The costs of books and supplies vary greatly based on the classes taken. Book and supply costs are estimated to be $500 per semester.

Summer Session: (Summer 2015)

  Tuition $385/hour
  Room $400/term ($600 for private)

Miscellaneous Fees and Expenses

  Audit Fee $50/hour
  Independent Study $385/course
  Credit By Examination $385/hour
  Applied Music Fee $385/course
  Teacher Education TaskStream $101
  Late Validation Fee $50
  Graduation Fee $150
  Returned Check Charge $25/occurrence

Personal Property

Students may leave personal possessions in their rooms during breaks in the regular academic year; however, all belongings must be removed from rooms at the close of the spring semester or when the student officially withdraws, whichever comes first. The University reserves the right to dispose of any items left in the residence halls after the closing of residence halls in May.

The University does not carry insurance on students’ personal belongings and will not be responsible for loss or damage to such. Students should insure their personal belongings through a homeowner’s or renter’s policy.

Schedule of Payments

Registration / Room Deposit

A $100 Registration/Room Deposit* for new students is due upon being accepted and must be paid before classes can be scheduled and a room assigned. Continuing students must pay this non-refundable deposit prior to pre-registration and room sign-up each spring. (Note: A student must be current on their student account for a given semester before they can preregister regardless of payment of the $100 deposit.) The $100 deposit will be applied against the upcoming semester’s tuition charges. (*See Admissions Policies and Procedures ) Private rooms require the $100 deposit as well as an additional $150 at a specified time. These reservations also require the student to be current on their account and to have satisfied the upcoming semester’s balance.

Payment in full or satisfactory arrangements must be made by the designated payment due date for a given semester in order for a student to retain their reserved space. Students with a reserved room in Whites Crossing may lose their reserved space in Whites Crossing if payment or satisfactory arrangements are not made by the due date and may be reassigned to a traditional residence hall room, provided one is available. Students assigned in traditional residence halls may lose their room assignment if there is a shortage of rooms for qualified students.

Balance of the Account

The balance of the semester charges is due prior to the beginning of each semester. Fall semester balances are due in full August 1 and spring semester balances are due in full December 15. A preliminary statement, showing anticipated charges, financial aid, and balance due will be mailed for fall in mid-June and for spring in mid-November. (MasterCard,Visa, and Discover credit cards are accepted.) (See paragraph above regarding room reservations.)

Monthly Payment Plan

The University offers a no-interest monthly payment plan, which allows one to pay the annual balance in monthly payments over the course of the academic year. There is a $60 fee to be enrolled in the payment plan. Information regarding the plan and the enrollment fee will be mailed in June of each year or you can get information regarding the plan from the Business Office (252-398-1228).

Students failing to make scheduled payments may have services provided by the University discontinued, pre-registrations dropped and/or be dis-enrolled from the school.

Delinquent Accounts

Students with outstanding financial obligations may be prevented from enrolling for the upcoming semester. Neither will a student be allowed to participate in commencement exercises, receive a diploma, or have a transcript released until all financial obligations are satisfied.

Delinquent account balances may be charged interest and referred to credit bureaus and/or collections agencies. Collection costs on delinquent accounts may be charged to the student’s account.

Financial obligations include, but are not limited to, student account balances, returned checks, parking, disciplinary, and library fines.

Withdrawal and Change in Enrollment Status Policies

Institutional Charge Reduction Policy

Registration in the University is considered a contract binding the student for charges for the entire semester. However, it is the policy of Chowan University to give a pro-rata charge reduction through 60% of the enrollment period in the event a student OFFICIALLY WITHDRAWS from school. (See the Withdrawal Policy  under General Academic Policies.) An official Withdrawal Form must be completed and turned into the Registrar’s Office in order for a student to be officially withdrawn. The official withdrawal date is the date this process is completed.

Reductions will be computed on total charges for tuition, room, and board but not on fees. Students leaving school for disciplinary reasons will not be eligible for any reduction and will be liable for the entire semester’s charges. Undergraduate Day Program students registered for 12 or more hours who drop a course(s) after the last day of registration will not receive a pro-rata refund for individual classes that are dropped. Students charged on a per-hour basis may receive a pro-rata refund for classes that are dropped.

For purposes of interpreting this policy the pro-rata charge reduction percentage is equal to the number of calendar days (excluding breaks of five days or more) remaining in the semester divided by the number of calendar days in the semester. No charge reduction will be given after the 60% period of enrollment for the semester.

Financial Aid Reduction Policy

When a student changes enrollment status, Federal, State, Institutional, and Non-institutional Aid may be adjusted. In the event a full-time student ceases attending classes, financial aid will be adjusted according to Institutional, State and Federal policies. Federal regulations require a return or pro-rata reduction of Title IV funds if a student withdraws or ceases to attend classes up through 60% of the enrollment period. Title IV reductions will be calculated using the last known date of attendance at an academically related event. If the last date of attendance cannot be determined, the reduction will be calculated using the mid-point of the semester.

Financial aid reductions may affect the balance or amount owed on the student’s account.

For more information regarding Withdrawal or Change of Enrollment Policies contact the Financial Aid Office or the Business Office.

Unofficial Withdrawal Policy

Federal Financial Aid recipients who receive all grades of “F” and/or “I” are subject to Federal Return of Title IV. Without acceptable proof of attendance or participation in class relative to the student’s activity beyond the midpoint of the semester, the Federal Title IV financial aid credited for the term is refunded to the aid program(s) from which it came. Please note that if Chowan University has to return funding based on your attendance and final grades, you will be responsible for any balance this may create on your account.

Student Account Credit Balances

If the combination of financial aid received and payments made exceed the balance owed, the resulting credit balance will be refunded unless a written request is received to credit the balance to future tuition and fees. In the event a student has received a refund and charges are adjusted or financial aid is reduced, the student will be responsible for any resulting balance.

Financial Aid

The purpose of the financial aid program at Chowan University is to help students who cannot otherwise afford to attend college finance their education through a variety of scholarships, grants, loans, and / or part time employment. Applications for financial aid are evaluated without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, or sex.

In order to receive aid, a student needs to have been admitted to the University and, after enrollment, must make satisfactory academic progress as indicated in the policy below. To apply for financial aid, complete and file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.gov. The FAFSA on the Web Worksheet is available in the high school guidance counselors’ offices and in the Chowan University Financial Aid Office. Since financial aid is not automatically renewed, a student must reapply each year.

Recipients of university funded scholarships and / or grants are not allowed to receive total scholarships and grants from all sources in excess of their direct costs plus an allowance for books and supplies or in excess of financial aid need when receiving federal funds. Direct costs include tuition, room, and board when applicable, and an allowance for books and supplies. Financial aid awards that include institutionally administered funds will be reduced when a student changes from residential to commuter status.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

A student is financial aid eligible to receive financial assistance through state and the federal Title IV programs if he or she meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). All degree-seeking students must meet three SAP standards in order to maintain eligibility for continued enrollment and financial aid. The standards include cumulative grade point, completion rate, and maximum timeframe for completion of a degree. The standards of SAP are monitored and enforced at the end of the academic year. Students not meeting one or more of SAP standards are notified at the conclusion of the academic year.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

1. Grade Point Average (GPA) Standard (Qualitative)

In order to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, students must earn at least the minimum cumulative GPA as reflected below:

Academic Year 1 2 3 4 5+
Cumulative GPA 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
  • Developmental/remedial coursework is included in determining the cumulative GPA.
  • A grade of I (Incomplete) is included in determining the cumulative GPA.
  • A grade of W (Withdrawal) is not included in determining the cumulative GPA.
  • All posted transfer credit hours on official transcripts are not included in determining the cumulative GPA.
  • Coursework in which a student has exercised the repeat option is not included in determining the cumulative GPA.

A cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total of amount of credit hours attempted.

For example, Sarah, who is in her second year, has attempted 58 credit hours, earning 134 quality points. Using the formula above, 134 quality points divided by 58 credit hours equals a cumulative GPA of 2.31. Reviewing the table above, Sarah meets the cumulative GPA standard and remains eligible for continued enrollment and financial aid as long as all other standards are met.

For example, Ben, who is in his first year, has attempted 29 credit hours, earning 39 quality points. Using the formula above, 39 quality points divided by 29 credit hours equals a cumulative GPA of 1.34. Reviewing the table above, Ben does not meet the cumulative GPA standard. See Failure to Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress below.

2. Pace of Completion Standard (Quantitative)

In order to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, students must progress toward completion of their degree by meeting the minimum completion rate as reflected below:

Academic Year 1 2 3 4 5+
Completion Rate 60% 67% 67% 67% 67%

Developmental/remedial coursework is included in determining attempted and completed hours.

  • A grade of I (Incomplete) is included in determining attempted hours.
  • A grade of W (Withdrawal) is included in determining attempted hours.
  • All posted transfer credit hours on official transcripts are included in determining attempted and completed hours.
  • Coursework in which a student has exercised the repeat option is included in determining attempted and completed hours.

The completion rate is calculated by dividing the number of credit hours a student has successfully completed by the number of credit hours a student has attempted.

For example, Tom, who is in his fourth year, has attempted 105 credit hours and successfully completed 92 credit hours. Using the formula above, 92 credit hours successfully completed divided by 105 credit hours attempted equals an 87.6% completion rate. Reviewing the table above, Tom meets the pace of completion standard and remains eligible for continued enrollment and financial aid as long as all other standards are met.

For example, Mary, who is in her first year, has attempted 18 credit hours and successfully completed 9 credit hours. Using the formula above, 9 credit hours successfully completed divided by 18 credit hours attempted equals a 50% completion rate. Reviewing the table above, Mary does not meet the pace of completion standard. See Failure to Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress below.

3. Maximum Timeframe Standard

In addition to meeting GPA and completion rate standards, students must complete their degree within the maximum timeframe of 150% of the published length of the academic program. The maximum includes all hours attempted or completed, including withdrawals, repeats, incompletes, and transfer credit hours.

To calculate the number of hours for financial aid eligibility, multiple the number of hours required for a degree plan by 150%. The total is the maximum hours allowed for financial aid.

For example, a history major is a returning student with 145 attempted/completed hours with a degree plan that requires 128 hours to complete. Using the formula above, 128 hours multiplied by 150% equals 192 hours of financial aid eligibility. The history major is under his or her maximum hours allowed for continued enrollment and financial aid and remains eligible for aid as long as all other standards are met.

For example, a biology major is a returning student with 186 attempted/completed hours with a degree plan that requires 122 hours to complete. Using the formula above, 122 hours multiplied by 150% equals 183 hours of financial aid eligibility. The biology major is over his or her maximum hours allowed for continued enrollment and financial aid. See Failure to Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress below.

Failure to Make Satisfactory Academic Progress

1. Academic and Financial Aid Suspension

When a student fails to meet one or more of SAP standards at the end of the academic year, the student is academically suspended and is assigned the status of Not Meeting SAP. When assigned this status, the student is ineligible for financial aid. Academic suspension and loss of financial aid can be appealed (see Appeal Process below). Students who have failed to make SAP at the end of the academic year will be notified by certified mail and email from the Registrar’s Office at the end of the academic year.

2. Academic and Financial Aid Probation

When a student fails to meet one or more of SAP standards and is academically suspended, but successfully appeals the academic and financial aid suspension (see the Appeal Process below), the student is placed on academic and financial aid probation.

3. Appeal Process

If a student fails to make SAP at the end of the academic year, the student may file an appeal for reinstatement of continued enrollment and financial aid eligibility. The appeal must be based on mitigating circumstances, which include:

  • Serious injury of the student and/or the student’s immediate family
  • Serious extended illness of the student and/or the student’s immediate family
  • Death of the student’s relative
  • Other special circumstances

The student must submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form, which includes a written statement with supporting documentation and an academic plan, to the Office of the Provost. Students placed on academic and financial aid suspension will receive instructions for filing an appeal by certified mail and email from the Registrar’s Office at the end of the academic year. The deadline for SAP appeals is June 1.

The Academic Council, with representation from the Office of Financial Aid, will review the student’s appeal. If the appeal is granted, the student will be placed on academic and financial aid probation for one term. The student must follow an academic plan approved by the Academic Council (see Academic Plan below). Students will be notified of appeal decisions by mail and email from the Office of the Provost.

The maximum number of appeals a student may normally have granted during the total of all his or her enrollment periods at Chowan University is two. Under extreme circumstances, a third appeal may be granted, provided the student has documented proof of the circumstances. In the case of a student who files a third appeal, the reasons for the students’ two previous appeals will be considered when making a decision. The student’s progress within their academic program will be a determining factor on the rare occasion when a third appeal is allowed.

4. Academic Plan

A student who is placed on academic suspension and assigned the status of Not Meeting SAP must submit an appeal for reinstatement of continued enrollment and financial aid eligibility (see Appeal Process above). As part of the appeal, the student must submit the Academic Plan Form, which must be completed with the assistance of an academic advisor. The plan must outline the progress the student will need to obtain in order to meet SAP standards. The plan must demonstrate the student can meet SAP standards within two enrollment periods (fall and spring).

The Academic Council will review the student’s progress at the end of the next enrollment period. If the student meets SAP standards, academic and financial aid probation will be removed. If the student does not meet SAP standards, but is meeting the requirements of the academic plan, the student is eligible for continued enrollment and financial aid for one additional enrollment period (fall or spring) and will remain on academic and financial aid probation. If the student is not meeting the requirements of the academic plan at the end of the first period of enrollment or fails to meet SAP standards at the end of the second period of enrollment, the student will be assigned the status of Not Meeting SAP, resulting in academic suspension and loss of financial aid. Students will be notified of academic plan reviews by mail and email from the Office of the Provost.

5. Maximum Timeframe Appeal

A student who exceeds the maximum hours allowed for continued enrollment must follow the appeal process outlined above. However, there is no warning status for this standard. In addition to the mitigating circumstance listed under the appeal process, a change of major may be provided as a reason for an appeal, but the number and timing of changes of major will be taken under consideration during an appeal review.

6. Summer Session for Academically Suspended Students

An academically suspended student may attempt to improve his or her grade point average and/or completion rate through enrollment in the university’s summer session. An academically suspended student is not eligible for financial aid.

7. Readmission

Former students who have been suspended for academic reasons may seek readmission by 1) following the steps outlined under the Readmission for Former Students section of this catalog and 2) submitting a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form and all required documentation and paperwork to the Office of Admissions. Admissions will forward the form to the Office of the Provost for action. No student may gain readmission under this option more than once.

Tips to Help Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Visit your academic advisor and professors regularly.
  • Utilize Academic Assistance, the Writing Center, Tutoring, and/or Disability Services.
  • Develop an academic plan with your academic advisor.
  • Monitor your academic progress.
  • Attend class, complete assignments by deadlines, and study.

Financial Aid Eligible

Financial aid eligible is the status assigned to a student who meets all SAP standards and is eligible to receive financial aid.

Financial Aid Probation

Financial aid probation is a status assigned to a student who fails to meet one or more SAP standards, but has successfully appealed and has had eligibility for aid reinstated for one enrollment period.

Financial Aid Suspension

Financial aid suspension is a status assigned to a student who fails to meet one or more SAP standards and did not appeal or did not successfully appeal and is ineligible to receive financial aid.

Repeated Courses

Federal regulation limits the number of times a student may repeat a course and receive financial aid for that course.

  • A student may receive aid when repeating a course that was previously failed, regardless of the number of times the course was attempted and failed.
  • A student may receive aid to repeat a previously passed course one additional time.
  • Once a student has completed any course twice with a passing grade, he or she is no longer eligible to receive aid for that course.
  • If a student retakes a course that is not aid eligible, a recalculation of aid is done to exclude the credits for the repeated course.
  • This rule applies whether or not the student received aid for earlier enrollments in the course.

Students must also adhere to the university’s Course Repeat Policy. For more information, see the Academic Policies and Regulations  section of this catalog.

Veteran Benefits

The Registrar’s Office and the Financial Aid Office have shared responsibilities for the administration and certification of Veteran Affairs Education Benefits. When an individual inquires about veterans’ education benefits, their name is recorded with in a google document for monitoring. This information is shared with appropriate institutional staff for review only access.

A Certifying Official is responsible for assisting the individual with the application process.  Donna Robbins-Coordinator (Academic Certifications), Elizabeth Whitaker (Academic Certifications), and Ruth Casper (Financial and Yellow Ribbon Certifications) are the Certifying Officials for Chowan University.  Officials are responsible for certifying the student’s enrollment and degree programs.  Students may contact the officials by phone or by email to veterans@chowan.edu.

Types of Benefits

Chapter Name
Duty Funds Requirement
Funds Payable To*
Benefit Timeframe
30 Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty Since 7/1/1985 Student 36 months
33 Post 9/11 GI Bill Aggregate Active Duty Since 9/11/2001 School 36 months
35 Survivors and Dependents (DEA) N/A Student 45 months
1606 Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve Six year commitment after 6/30/1985 Student 36 months within 10 years
1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) Consecutive Active Duty Since 9/11/2001 Student 36 months within 10 years

Application Process

Students must take the following steps in order to be certified for VA benefits.

  1. New Applicants: Complete the form VA 22-1990, Application for Veteran’s Benefits, or apply online using the VONAPP portal.
  2. Transfer students: Complete the form VA 22-1995, Request for Change of Place of Training, or apply online using the VONAPP portal.
  3. Within 2-3 weeks after applying, you will receive a letter from VA that your application is being processed.
  4. Approximately 45-60 days (sometimes longer) after applying, you will receive 2 copies of the “Certificate of Eligibility”.
    1. One is for your records.
    2. It is a VA requirement that you submit ALL FINAL OFFICIAL transcripts from every institution of higher learning attended.
    3. This certificate is what we must use to certify your benefits. This will show us the amount of time you have under the benefit and the chapter for which you qualify.
  5. Register for class. You will be contacted with the appropriate graduation workup based on your degree program.
    1. Once you declare a major, your workup may be updated. It is your responsibility to take the courses that meet your workup requirements.

While your benefits are being processed, you need to remember to do the following:

  • Apply for Admissions to Chowan University
  • Turn in all academic transcripts from all schools attended
  • Apply for Financial Aid – www.fafsa.gov – You can receive aid and use your VA benefits. Please consult the Financial Aid Office if you have questions regarding the aid package.
  • If you decide not to apply for Financial Aid, please consult with the Business Office to make payment arrangements on your account for any remaining tuition and/or fees after your VA benefits have been considered.

Information on transferability of benefits can be found online at: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/docs/factsheets/Transferability_Factsheet.pdf

Annual Declaration of VA Benefits

Students are required to complete the “Annual Declaration of VA Benefits” form after registration in order for the Certifying Officials to complete the actual certification of benefits.

Certification Process

Once the declaration has been received, the Certifying Officials meet to review any new certifications and/ or adjustments that need to be made. Certifications are entered into the VA-Once system that is maintained by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. VA-Once is internet based and password protected. Each Official has an assigned user name and customized password.

Dates and Terms are set up in VA-Once to follow the academic calendar. Programs of study are set up and amended as needed.

Payment Procedures

Once the certifications are entered, VA will start paying at the start of the semester, sometimes just prior to the start. Chapters that send funds directly to the school are received electronically and the Business Office will credit the funds to the student accounts. The Business Office will notify the Certifying Officials so that payment notice can be recorded.

For chapters that pay funds directly to the student, the school will receive a dated notice of when payments are made. The notice is recorded in the electronic listing. The school will notify the Business Office that a payment has been made to the student so they can correspond with the student to make their tuition payment. These students must submit monthly enrollment verification via WAVE in order to receive their benefits.

Advance Pay Regulation (Programs other than 9/11 GI Bill)

The US Department of Veteran’s Affairs allows advance pay for eligible students with applicable benefits at the schools discretion. Typical payments are 1 to 1 1/2 months of benefits, and no new payments are issued for at least a two month period.  At this time, Chowan University does not participate in Advance Pay.

Yellow Ribbon Payment (YR)

Post 9/11 eligible students whose parents have served 100% of the duty requirement are eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program. Yellow Ribbon is designed to assist in paying the tuition balance after the annual VA cap of tuition payment has been reached. The Yellow Ribbon agreement specifies a set number of students that can annually be considered and which programs are eligible. The Yellow Ribbons agreement is open ended and can be amended upon request to Department of Veteran Affairs.

The Adult Degree Completion Program students and part time students are not typically eligible due to the tuition cost structure not being in excess of the VA annual tuition cap.

Example of the Yellow Ribbons Calculation - Student attends Chowan in a year in which the annual VA tuition cap is $19,198. Tuition and fees are totaled at $11,180 per semester.

VA Payment
YR Applicable Balance
Fall $11,700 $11,700  
Spring $11,700 $9,384 $2,316
Total $22,400 $21,084 YR will pay 50% Chowan matches 50%

Student is responsible for Room and Board and other fees.

Impacts on Financial Aid

The student is encouraged to apply for financial aid even if they believe they will not be eligible. Financial Aid is not impacted by the eligibility of Veterans Benefits. The Financial Aid Office can review your award package and make suggestions for reduction in student debt if the student is receiving VA benefits.


Chowan University Grants & Scholarships

Students approved for admission may be eligible for merit-based awards and scholarships. The amount of the award is based upon the combined SAT score and grade point average for new students, and GPA earned at Chowan for returners. Awards are renewed annually if the recipient maintains Satisfactory Academic Progress. The number of years the award is renewed is based upon the recipient’s grade level when he/she first enrolls at Chowan University. These awards can be increased if the student increases GPA while enrolled at Chowan.

Federal Pell Grants

Federal Pell Grants are federal grants available to U.S. Citizens enrolled in college. Awards are based on a federal formula.

A student’s lifetime eligibility used (LEU) to receive a Federal Pell Grant is six (6) scheduled awards. Since the maximum amount of Pell Grant funding a student can receive each year is equal to 100%, the six-year equivalent is 600%. As such,  a student is ineligible to receive further Pell Grant funds if they have 600% or greater LEU. Students are notified if they are close to or have reached the lifetime limit.

Note:  The Pell Grant is limited to six full years of funding.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) are federal grants ranging from $100 to $4,000 per year. These go to students who are U. S. Citizens, receive Pell Grants, and have exceptional financial need.

North Carolina Need-Based Scholarship Program

The North Carolina Need-Based Scholarship Program is available to needy North Carolina students attending private institutions of higher education in North Carolina. It is offered by the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority and awarded through College Foundation, Inc. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours and must be pursuing their first undergraduate degree. Individual awards range from $680 to $7,200 for the year. Funds for the Program are contingent each year upon appropriations made available to the Authority by the General Assembly.

North Carolina Baptist Scholarship

The North Carolina Baptist Scholarship provides funds for students who are members of churches in friendly cooperation with the Baptist State Convention of NC and are enrolled at an affiliated university with the Baptist State Convention of NC. The Convention awards the NC Baptist Scholarship annually. The NC Baptist Scholarship is renewable for a maximum of 4 years. The student must reapply each year. Once the scholarship has been received, the student must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA to be eligible for the scholarship.

To apply, students must:

  • Be accepted for enrollment at an affiliated school
  • Complete the online application at http://www.ncbaptist.org/index.php?id=451 before April 1
  • Be a member of a church that is in friendly cooperation with the Baptist State Convention (one year minimum)
  • Submit a letter of recommendation from pastor or his or her designee
  • Submit two brief essays if the student was not a previous recipient of this award

The NC Baptist Convention will notify the student and the Chowan Financial Aid Office of the award after May 1.

Children and Spouses of Ordained Ministers and Missionaries Grant

Dependent children and spouses of ordained Baptist ministers and missionaries may receive $250 per semester for a maximum of eight (8) semesters. The minister whose dependent claims the scholarship must be a full-time minister of SBC or CBF church or an ordained full-time employee of a Baptist State Convention or agency. He/she must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average to be eligible for renewal each year.

Ministerial Board Of Associates Scholarship Program

Each member of the Ministerial Board of Associates may recommend a student for the scholarship to be awarded in his/her name. The scholarship is available to first-time Chowan University students, freshmen or transfers, and is for $150 per semester for a maximum of eight (8) semesters. The recommendations must be mailed by July 1 for each fall semester and December 1 for spring semester to the Director of Financial Aid, Chowan University.

Dependents Of Chowan University Faculty/Staff Grant

Unmarried dependent children under twenty-five years of age and spouses of full-time members of the Chowan University faculty and staff shall pay $100 per semester, plus any special fees such as medical insurance, music, and independent studies, file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), apply for any grants for which they may be eligible, and meet satisfactory academic progress requirements. These grants will be applied to their accounts. To be eligible, the faculty or staff member must have completed twelve months of continuous service. This fringe benefit is limited to courses taken toward the first baccalaureate degree, is based on commuting student fees, and is available only for courses attempted for credit. Dependents who have a Bachelor’s degree are not eligible to receive the grant. Dependents of employees who die while in the employment of the University will be eligible for this program. Enrollment during summer/winter sessions is contingent upon a sufficient number of tuition-paying students to ensure the faculty member will receive full salary.

Police Officer’s Grant

Police officers currently employed by a law enforcement agency can receive grants equal to their tuition in exchange for work performed with the Chowan University campus security. The police officers are supervised and report to the Chowan University Chief of Security. All police officers must complete a FAFSA. Police officers who have earned a Bachelor’s degree are not eligible to receive the grant.

Dependents Of Full-time Employees Of The Baptist State Convention Of North Carolina Or Institutions And Agencies Affiliated With State Conventions Of The SBC or CBF Traditions Grant

These students may receive, upon proper certification, $250 per semester for a maximum of eight (8) semesters if a 2.0 quality point ratio is maintained and the student is full time.

Employee Of Chowan University Grant

Any employee who meets admission requirements and has completed 12 months of continuous service may audit or take for credit any course offering that does not conflict with his/her work schedule and does not deprive a tuition-paying student of a place in the class. The employee is required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and is responsible for the special fees, such as music and independent studies. Federal and state grants will be used to cover direct costs and to reduce the Employee Grant. Enrollment during summer/winter sessions is contingent upon a sufficient number of tuition-paying students to ensure the faculty member will receive full salary.

Ministerial Students Grant

Ministerial students who supply the University with certification by their local churches (related to the SBC or CBF tradition) may receive grants equal to fifty percent of tuition for eight (8) semesters, if they maintain a 2.0 quality point average, carry a full course load, participate in the one or more of the ministry teams supported by the Christian Student Union and Student Association for Faith and Vocation and/or be active participants in the ministry of a local church, and show evidence of good citizenship as a member of the campus community. Students receiving this grant will not be eligible for a Chowan University grant or scholarship.

SGA President Grant

The current Student Government President is awarded tuition for up to 6 hours during summer school. To receive this grant, the SGA President must be on campus during the summer to work on Student Government projects under the guidance of the Department of Student Life.

Ordained Ministers Grant

Ordained ministers currently serving pastorates shall receive tuition and fees except for $150 per semester, medical insurance coverage and extra fees such as music. This is on the condition that they complete financial aid papers as deemed necessary by the Director of Financial Aid. This grant is limited to a maximum of nine (9) hours per semester.

Pastor’s Scholarship

First-time, full-time students enrolling at Chowan University and affiliated with a church in the SBC or CBF tradition are eligible for a $500 per year scholarship provided the student’s church awards the student a minimum of $500 per year in scholarship funds. The deadline for awarding the scholarship is March 1.

Accounting Scholarship

Students majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in the area of accounting may be eligible to receive a $1000 scholarship that is renewable for up to three years. The recipients are selected on the basis of their high school grade point average, good moral character, citizenship, ethical standards, and academic promise.

Music Performance Scholarship

Music scholarships are offered to students who are selected by the Chowan University Music Department after an audition. Amount varies according to ability.

Graphic Communication Scholarship

Freshmen entering Chowan University and majoring in Graphic Communication may be eligible for a $2,000 scholarship. Criteria for receiving the award is: 1. a high school senior who has won First, Second, or Third place in the Regional, State, or National VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) contest, 2. a high school senior who has won First, Second, or Third place in the South Eastern Region Flexo High School Contest, 3. a high school senior in a graphics program who is in the top 10% of their graduation class. The scholarship will be divided should two or more candidates meet the above criteria.

Science Olympiad Scholarship

Students who receive a Science Olympiad medal during their Junior or Senior year in high school, are eligible for a $1,000 per year scholarship provided they apply and gain admittance to Chowan University and remain in a science related field while enrolled at Chowan University. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years.

Nucor Steel-Hertford County Matching Grant

First-time, full-time unmarried dependent children under the age of 25 of Nucor Steel-Hertford County employees, Cofield, North Carolina division, may receive up to $1,000 per semester for a total of eight (8) semesters provided the Nucor-Steel Hertford County company funds up to $1,000 per semester for the student to attend Chowan University. This is a matching agreement in which Chowan University will match the Nucor Steel-Hertford County contribution up to $1,000* per semester. Applicants should complete the following prior to March 1:

  1. Submit the Nucor Tuition Certificate to the Financial Aid Office of Chowan University (certificates are located in the Nucor Human Resource office)
  2. Apply for admission and gain an acceptance status
  3. Complete and submit the FAFSA form directly to the Financial Aid Office of Chowan University

*Spouses may receive up to $500.00 per semester (not to exceed eight (8) semesters) as provided by Nucor benefit program.

Note: Students must complete the requirements set forth by Nucor before scholarship payments are sent to the school.

Senior Citizen’s Grant

Persons 60 years of age or older who meet the admission requirements of the University pay $150 per semester plus special fees, on a space available basis. The grant will cover the remainder of the tuition. If degree seeking, student must file a FAFSA.

Chowan University Leadership Scholarships

The Leadership Scholars program offers scholarships to a select group of students who have demonstrated exemplary leadership, academic achievement, and service prior to their enrollment at Chowan University. Leadership abilities can be demonstrated by activities such as serving as an officer in a student government association, church youth group leader, captain of a varsity sport, or attainment of other recognitions. Recipients are selected by the Leadership Scholar Selection Committee and are required to participate in an on-campus competition. Leadership Scholarships are renewable for up to three years provided the recipient is enrolled full-time, maintains a cumulative 2.5 grade point average, resides on campus, upholds the standards of the University, continues to demonstrate strong leadership ability and a commitment to service. The scholarship only applies to fall and spring semesters and does not apply to hours taken in excess of 18 in any semester. Students are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Chowan University Endowed Scholarships

(Endowed scholarships are awarded by the Financial Aid Office. No separate application is required.)

Academic Endowed Scholarships

J. Felix Arnold Scholarship: This scholarship was initiated in 1991 by J. Felix Arnold to provide financial assistance to a student who graduated in the top third of his/her high school class. To keep the scholarship the recipient must maintain an overall 3.0 average at Chowan University.

Lucille B. Richards and Olivia Pratt Bragg Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Chowan alumnus Raymond Lee Richards of Charlottesville, VA to honor the memory of his mother and grandmother. The recipients must be worthy and needy and demonstrate academic ability.

Bertha Brown Freeman Scholarship: Established by Shelby M. Freeman of Morehead City, NC the scholarship is restricted to a worthy academic student who is (1) a member of Mars Hill Baptist, Colerain, NC, (2) member of First Baptist Church, Morehead City, NC, or (3) resident of Bertie County, NC.

Earl B. Gardner and Verlie Doughtie Gardner Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2003 by the estate of Verlie Doughtie Gardner, the scholarship supports students with demonstrated academic ability. Financial need is also a consideration. The Gardners were residents of Murfreesboro and longtime supporters of Chowan University.

Hertford Baptist Church Scholarship: Funded by the Hertford Baptist Church of Hertford, NC to assist a student based on merit and academic potential. Order of preference is (1) a member of Hertford Baptist Church and (2) a resident of Bertie or Hertford County, NC.

Charlie C. and Tulie Eugenia Hoggard Memorial Scholarship: An endowed scholarship provided by Mrs. Mabel Claire Hoggard Maddrey of Raleigh, NC in memory of her parents. Recipients are selected on the basis of merit and academic potential. Preference is given to students from Hertford or Bertie County, NC.

Cornie Harrelson Lewis Memorial Scholarship: Provided by the R. Clayton Lewis family for students chosen on the basis of academic ability, leadership potential and financial need. Preference may be given to South Carolina residents, especially from Chester, Fairfield, Horry and Richland Counties.

Herbert Hugh Lewis Memorial Scholarship: Provided by the R. Clayton Lewis family for a student chosen on the basis of academic ability, leadership potential and financial need. Preference may be given to South Carolina residents, especially from Chester, Fairfield and Horry counties.

Martha “Mattie” Penelope Livermon Memorial Scholarship: Formalized in 2004 by Edith Vick Farris ‘53 and alumni of Roxobel/Kelford School to memorialize their beloved teacher and Chowan alumnus. This scholarship is awarded to full-time students from member churches in the West Chowan Baptist Association who have performed academically (3.0 GPA or higher) to earn and retain the scholarship. First preference is given to members of Sandy Run, Kelford and Lewiston Baptist Churches.

George Carlye Mackie Memorial Scholarship: Established by the brothers and sisters of Dr. Mackie of Yadkinville, NC, first preference is given to the residents of Yadkin County, NC. The recipient must be in the top 30 percent of his/her high school class and must maintain at least 3.0 averages at Chowan University to keep the scholarship.

Don G. Matthews, Jr. and Don G. Matthews, Sr. Scholarship: Funded by Mrs. Don G. Matthews, Jr., Williamston, NC, a former trustee and longtime friend of Chowan University, the award is made on the basis of academic ability, character and financial need.

Raymond D. and Bettye Meiggs Scholarship: Initiated in 2008 by Raymond and Bettye Meiggs, Chowan alumni and residents of Hertford, NC to support outstanding academic students from northeastern North Carolina. Students must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA, be needy and worthy, and exhibit strong leadership potential and character demonstrated through involvement in the local community.

Alta Chitty Parker Memorial Scholarship: Funded by Alta Chitty Parker, the scholarship is awarded on the basis of scholastic ability, financial need and the desire of the student to obtain a Christian education. Joseph Lee Parker Scholarship: Funded in 1991 by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parker of Raleigh, NC. The Scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in Sport Studies and is based on academic excellence.

Charles L. and Margaret P. Revelle, Jr., Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2007 by the estate of Charles L. Revelle, Jr., a Murfreesboro, NC businessman and supporter of Chowan University. The scholarship supports academically talented students who have and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and have strong character.

Maylia Green Rightmire Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of Maylia G. Rightmire, the recipients must be in the top 30 percent of their high school classes and maintain at least a 3.0 overall average at Chowan University to retain the scholarship.

Alleen Harrelson Rowell Memorial Scholarship: Established by R. Clayton Lewis, former staff member and trustee of Chowan University. Recipients are chosen on the basis of academic ability, leadership potential and financial need. Preference is given to Florida residents, especially Dade, Levy, Gilchrist and Dixie counties.

Dewey M. and Ollie Doughtie Vick Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2003 by Edith Vick Farris of Massanutten, VA, a 1953 alumna, in memory of her parents. Recipients must at least have a 3.0 high school average and maintain a 3.0 at Chowan University to keep the scholarship. Recipients must be a member of a church in the West Chowan Baptist Association of NC, with preference given to members of Sandy Run, Kelford and Lewiston Baptist churches.

Bruce E. and Esther A. Whitaker Scholarship: This scholarship honors the service of Dr. Whitaker, President Emeritus and Mrs. Whitaker, Professor Emeritus of Chowan University. It was initiated by their sons, Barry Eugene and Garry Bruce Whitaker, and by their daughter-in-law Rebecca Goff Whitaker. Recipients are chosen on the basis of academic merit, with preference given to students who are valedictorians or salutatorians of their high school classes. The award may be renewed provided that the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 average.

Other Academic Scholarship

Daniel C. Surface Memorial Academic Scholarship

Art Endowed Scholarships

David Henry and Jo Piland Cooper Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of Dr. David H. Cooper, a former Chowan University professor. The scholarship honors the memory of his wife, Jo Piland Cooper, a Chowan alumna. The scholarship is awarded to art majors upon the recommendation of the Art Faculty.

Euzelia Lassiter Doffermyre Memorial Scholarship: Established by Dr. Randolph Doffermyre of Dunn, NC, the scholarship assists students majoring in art.

Futrell Memorial Music/Art Scholarship: Established by William M. Futrell, Sr. of Rich Square, NC in memory of his sister, Sadie, the scholarship assists a deserving music or art major.

Joseph and Mabel Cooper Hayden Scholarship: Established by Mabel Cooper Hayden to assist a student majoring in art.

Kevin Douglas Vincent Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2013 by Janet G. Vincent to honor the memory of her son, Kevin Douglas Vincent (1964-1978), the scholarship provides financial assistance to a student who has performed academically with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who is majoring in Art.  Recipients must be a native of North Carolina or Virginia.

Other Art Scholarships

Brooks D. Winstead and Rachel Winstead Clark, Walter G. Clark Memorial Scholarship

Athletic Endowed Scholarships

Herb Appenzeller Scholarship: Established by Dr. Herb Appenzeller to provide financial assistance to a member of the football team. The recipient must plan to have a career in health and physical education and must demonstrate the potential for excellence and professional leadership.

Bynum Rhodes Brown Scholarship: Established in 2015 the scholarship provides financial assistance to a worthy and full-time student athlete who is an active member of the swimming team who has the lowest academic performance.

Grace Graham Brown Scholarship: Established in 2015 the scholarship provides financial assistance to a worthy and full-time student athlete who is an active member of the swimming team who is the top performing academic student on the team.

Chowan Classic Scholarship: Established in 1999 from proceeds of the annual Chowan Classic Golf Tournament, this scholarship is awarded to worthy and needy students who are members of the golf team.

Collins Memorial Volleyball Scholarship: Given in memory of Nora Lee Shell Collins and Robert Franklin Collins, parents of Clifton S. Collins, former Chowan University staff member, the scholarship is given to a member of the volleyball team.

James G. Garrison Scholarship: Funded by family and friends of James G. Garrison to assist worthy and needy students who show potential for leadership and academic excellence and who are members of the football team. For many years Mr. Garrison was a highly successful head football coach at Chowan University.

Clinton Merrell Gay Memorial Baseball Scholarship: Initiated in 2008 by family and friends of Merrell Gay, the scholarship provides assistance to a member of the baseball team. Mr. Gay was a member of the Chowan University Board of Visitors.

Harwood Memorial Volleyball Scholarship: Established by Janet Harwood Collins, a former Chowan University faculty member, in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Coleman Harwood, Jr. The scholarship is given to a member of the volleyball team.

Wesley S. and Brenda E. Hauser Baseball Scholarship: Formalized in 2012 by Wesley S. and Brenda E. Hauser of East Bend, NC, the scholarship is established to provide financial assistance to a worthy full-time student who is an active participant on the baseball team with preference given to an individual who resides in Yadkin County or any county contingent to Yadkin County. Steve Hauser is a Chowan Alumnus and member of the Board of Trustees.

Mary Alice Banks Lewis Scholarship: Established in 2011 by R. Clayton Lewis, the scholarship honors his wife and provides financial assistance to a member of the Men’s Basketball Team.

Virginia H. McConnell Scholarship: Established in 2010 by William F. McConnell, member of the Board of Visitors, in memory of his Mother.  The scholarship provides financial assistance to a student who is a member of the football, men’s soccer or women’s soccer teams.

Murfreesboro Exchange Club Charter Members William Whitley and W.J. Parker Scholarship: Established in 2000 and funded by the Murfreesboro Exchange Club, the scholarship assists a member of the football team. First preference is given to residents of Hertford County, NC.

C. B. Pond, Jr. Memorial Football Scholarship: Funded by Charles B. Pond, III, Chowan University alumnus and trustee, of Smithfield, VA in memory of his father. The scholarship is awarded to a quarterback on the football team with a preference for a student-athlete majoring in the area of business.

Jesse Edward Vaughan Men’s Basketball Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Jesse E. Vaughan, a resident of Murfreesboro, a retired farmer and a Chowan University trustee to provide financial support for a point guard on the men’s basketball team.

Hugh C. and Janet G. Vincent Football Scholarship: Established in 2010 by Hugh C. and Janet G. Vincent of Murfreesboro, NC, the scholarship provides financial assistance to a football player playing the position of middle linebacker.  Hugh is a member of the Board of Trustees.

Hugh C. and Janet G. Vincent Men’s Basketball Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vincent of Murfreesboro, NC, the scholarship supports a student-athlete who plays center on the basketball team. Mr. Vincent is a trustee and former chair of the Board of Trustees.

Hugh Carroll Vincent, Sr. and Lillian Coates Vincent Men’s  Basketball Scholarship: Established in 2013 by  Hugh Carroll Vincent, Jr. of Murfreesboro, NC, the scholarship honors the memory of his parents and supports a student-athlete who is an active member of the men’s basketball team. Mr. Vincent is a trustee and former chair of the Board of Trustees. 

Other Athletic Endowed Scholarships

Carl H. Simmons Scholarship; Hugh C. and Janet G. Vincent Baseball Scholarship; John A. Thompson, Sr. Scholarship

Business Endowed Scholarships

Marylou Jones Armstrong Scholarship: Established in 1992 by Marylou Jones Armstrong, this scholarship is designated for a business administration major.

Randy V. Britton Memorial Scholarship: Established by Mary Anne Croom of Edenton, NC, the scholarship memorializes her first husband who died tragically. First priority is for members of the immediate and extended family of Mr. Britton. Second priority is for students who earned at least a 3.0 high school grade average and who plan to major in business. At Chowan University the student must maintain a 3.0 grade point average to retain the scholarship.

Suzanne Simmons Clifton Scholarship: Established by Chowan alumna Suzanne Clifton of Raleigh, NC the scholarship assists worthy and needy students majoring in business administration.

Ronald L. and Nancy Hicks Scholarship: Established in 2011 by a gift from Ronald L. And Nancy Hicks, the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a worthy full-time student majoring in Business Administration with preference given to students majoring in Accounting. Ron Hicks is a Chowan graduate, Distinguished Alumnus and member of the Board of Trustees.

Johnson Scholarship: Given by Henry S. Johnson, Jr. and Mike H. Johnson of Hamilton, NC the recipient must major in the area of business and is chosen on the basis of scholastic ability, character and financial need. Preference is given to a student from the Hamilton area of North Carolina.

Cheryl Joy Hobday McElheney Family Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2001 by Cheryl McElheney, alumna and trustee from Roanoke Rapids, NC, the scholarship is restricted to students who are preparing for a career in business and who are Christians. Recipients must keep at least a 3.0 average to retain the scholarship.

Richards Business Fund for Experiential Learning: Established by Raymond Lee Richards, Chowan Trustee and alumnus, in 2014 to provide financial assistance to worthy and needy full-time students
who are pursuing a degree in the School of Business. Its primary focus is to provide resources for learning experiences beyond the confines of the traditional classroom setting. In today’s terms - internships.

Shirley White Spivey Scholarship: Established by longtime Trustee, Robert B. Spivey of Windsor, NC, the scholarship honors his wife. The recipient must be accepted into the School of Business and demonstrate academic ability, financial need and good citizenship to earn and retain the scholarship. First preference is to be given to students from Eastern North Carolina.

Temperance Virginia Vaughan Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Maggie L. Vaughan of Franklin, VA. The scholarship assists worthy and needy students majoring in Business from Virginia.

Dorothy A. Wallace Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Willie Sue Toms Hudgins, grandmother of 2006 Chowan alumnus Dennis Brannon Riddick, in honor of Professor of Business Emeritus Dorothy A. Wallace. Recipients must exhibit academic ability (3.0 GPA or higher), financial need and good citizenship. First preference is given to students from Gates County and then northeastern North Carolina counties.

Other Business Scholarships

Sara Marion Fisher Memorial Scholarship; Andrea Emmott Eason Scholarship; Benjamin Brown Family Scholarship; Bob F. Hill, Sr. and Josie Lassiter Hill Scholarship

Chowan Christian Service Association Endowed Scholarships

The Chowan Christian Service Association provides scholarships for deserving and needy students preparing for full-time Christian vocational service. The Association is supported by gifts from individuals, churches and private organizations. As part of the overall endowment corpus the following scholarships have been funded:

J and Betty Brabban Scholarship: Established in 2006 by J and Betty Brabban, the scholarship supports ministerial students preparing for full-time ministry. Dr. Brabban is the E. Lee Oliver Fagan Professor of Bible and Chair of the Department of Religion and Philosophy.

Ross A. and Lois F. Cadle Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1995, the scholarship is a memorial to Ross A. Cadle, former Chowan Vice President and Director of Admissions and Lois F. Cadle, former Assistant Librarian at Chowan.

Theo and Corene Clary Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Donnie O. Clary, Vice President for Business and Finance, the scholarship honors the memory of his parents, Theo and Corene Clary of Gafney, SC, and provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University.

College Park Baptist Church Scholarship: Established in 2005, by the members of College Park Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC, the fund provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University.

Community Center Baptist Church Scholarship: Established in 2005 by the membership of Community Center Baptist Church, Halifax, NC, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students who have
committed their lives to full-time Christian ministry.

Conway Baptist Church Scholarship: Established by the membership of Conway Baptist Church, Conway, NC, the scholarship provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina Scholarship: Established in 2005 by member churches of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in North Carolina to assist worthy and needy students who have committed their lives to full-time Christian ministry.

Jesse J. and Mary Anne Croom Scholarship: Established in 2014 by Jesse J. Croom, member of the Ministerial Board and Mary Anne Croom, Trustee. The fund provides support for ministerial students at
Chowan University.

Earlys Baptist Church Scholarship: Established in 2005, by Earlys Baptist Church of Ahoskie, NC, the fund provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University.

Edenton Baptist Church Scholarship: Established in 2008 by the membership of Edenton Baptist Church in Edenton, NC, the fund provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University.

Henry Clay Ferebee, III Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2007, the scholarship is a memorial to Clay Ferebee, Chowan University supporter and friend over many years.

First Baptist Ahoskie Scholarship: Established in 2006, by the members of First Baptist Church, Ahoskie, NC, the fund supports ministerial students at Chowan University.

First Baptist Church Washington Scholarship: Funded by members of the First Baptist Church of Washington, NC, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students who have committed their lives to full-time Christian ministry.

Adalia Futrell Scholarship: Established by William M. Futrell of Rich Square, NC in honor of his mother, the scholarship is given to a student who is preparing for Christian ministry.

John Millard and Jewell G. Glover Scholarship: Established in 2005 by Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glover of Seaboard, NC. Mrs. Glover serves as a trustee of Chowan University.

M. Elizabeth Harris Memorial Scholarship: Established by M. Elizabeth Harris of Seaboard, NC to assist students preparing for Christian ministry who need financial assistance.

Hardwick S. Hatcher Memorial Scholarship: Reverend Hardwick S. Hatcher was an alumnus of Chowan University. The scholarship was established and funded by his daughter and her husband Wayne and Katie Hatcher Hill of Wilmington, NC. Wayne Hill is a Chowan University trustee.

Burke E. and Nancy Holland Scholarship: Formalized in 2006 by Burke E. and Nancy B. Holland, the scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to worthy and/or needy full-time ministerial students attending Chowan University. Burke Holland was the first President of Chowan Christian Service Association and is a member of the Board of Trustees.

Jehovah-Jireh Scholarship: Established by Dr. and Mrs. M. Scott White of Nokesville, VA to assist ministerial students. Dr. White is a Chowan alumnus.

John Dudley and Mary Winston M. McCready Scholarship: Founded in 2006 by gift of trust from the estate of Mrs. McCready. The scholarship is to assist worthy and needy full-time ministerial students.

Ronald Wood and Betsy Forbis McSwain Scholarship: The McSwain scholarship was begun in 2010 with a $10,000 initial endowment by the Executive Committee of the Chowan Christian Service Association as an act of appreciation for Reverend McSwain’s work as the Director of Church Relations of Chowan. He was one of the principle leaders in the establishment of the CCSA.

Julian R. Mills, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: The scholarship was established in 2010 by Julian and Mary Mills, as a memorial to their son. The fund provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University.

Julian R. Mills, Sr. and Mary Mills Scholarship: Established by Julian R. (class of 1959) and Mary Mills of Roanoke Rapids, NC. Dr. Mills serves as a trustee of Chowan University.

Moose-Stanley Scholarship: Established in 1989 by the Reverend J. L. Walter Moose and Maxine Stanley, the funds are restricted to a student who is preparing for ministry or other full-time church-related careers.

Paul C. and Lila L. Murdock Scholarship: Established in 2015 to provide financial assistance to worthy and/or needy ministerial students attending Chowan University.

Murfreesboro Baptist Church Scholarship: Established in 2005, by members of Murfreesboro Baptist Church to support Chowan University and to encourage ministerial students.

Lawrence W. and Elaine E. Myers Scholarship: Established in 2010 to provide financial assistance to worthy and/or needy ministerial students attending Chowan University. Lawrence is a member of the
Board of Visitors and Elaine is a longstanding Trustee.

Oakland Christian Church Scholarship: Established in 2009 by the Reverend and Mrs. Mark Burns, former pastor of Oakland Christian Church, Chuckatuck, VA, and Chowan Trustee Charles Pond and his wife Juanita, the fund provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University.

Odom Family Scholarship: Initiated in 2005 by Mae Odom Newsome of Jacksonville, FL, formerly of Ahoskie, NC. The scholarship is in memory of her brother Richard Allen Odom.

Charles B. and Juanita K. Pond III Scholarship: Established in 2005 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Pond III of Smithfield, VA. Mr. Pond is a Chowan alumnus and trustee.

Charles B. and Juanita K. Pond III Family Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Pond III of Smithfield, VA to honor their animal friends - Katie, Roxie, Sandy and Charlie.

Providence Baptist Church Scholarship: Established in 2009 by the membership of Providence Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC, to provide financial assistance to worthy and/or needy ministerial students
attending Chowan University.

John M. Tayloe Scholarship: Established in 2006 by Charles B. and Juanita Pond III of Smithfield, VA in honor of John Tayloe, Chowan alumnus and senior staff member.

R. Hargus and Doris Taylor Scholarship: Established in 1999 by friends and family on the occasion of the Taylors’ retirement from Chowan University. Dr. Taylor served Chowan 36 years as Chaplain, Assistant to the President and Chair of the Department of Religion. Mrs. Taylor was a library staff member for 30 years.

Jesse E. Vaughan Scholarship: Established by Jesse E. Vaughan of Murfreesboro in 2006 to support ministerial students preparing for full-time ministry. A retired farmer, Mr. Vaughan serves the University as a trustee.

M. Christopher and Linda F. White Scholarship: Established in 2004 by Dr. and Mrs. White of Murfreesboro, NC, to assist ministerial students. Dr. White is Chowan University’s twenty-second president and has served in that capacity since 2003.

The White Family Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Chowan University President and wife, M. Christopher and Linda White, in honor of their sons Marty and Andrew, daughters-in-law Heather and Karen, and grandchildren Caroline, Camille, Cameron, Turner and Cardin. The scholarship is funded primarily through piano CDs recorded by Dr. White.

Williamston Memorial Baptist Church Scholarship: Established in 2004, by the members of Williamston Memorial Baptist Church, Williamston, NC, the fund provides support for ministerial students at Chowan University. 

Other Chowan Christian Service Association Scholarships

Jill Azumah Awuni Scholarship; Bethel Baptist Church Scholarship; Bethlehem Baptist Church; Earl and Carole Capps Church Vocational Scholarship; Carpenter’s Shop Church Scholarship, Ahoskie; Winslow and Harriet Carter Scholarship; Cashie Baptist Church Scholarship, Windsor; Coinjock Baptist Church Scholarship; Halifax; Connaritsa Baptist Church Scholarship, Aulander; Conway Baptist Church Scholarship; Cool Spring Baptist Church Scholarship, Eure; Emerywood Baptist Church Scholarship, High Point; Eure Baptist Church; First Baptist Church, Plymouth; First Baptist Church, Oriental; First Baptist Church, Lumberton Scholarship; Galatia Baptist Church Scholarship; Gilliam-Poulston & Hughes-Randolph Scholarship; P. Randy and Jolynn Harrell Scholarship; Harrellsville Baptist Church Scholarship; Franklin H. and Starr Harris, Jr. Scholarship; Jackson Baptist Church Scholarship; Macedonia Baptist Church Scholarship, Edenton; Mars Hill Baptist Church Scholarship; Meherrin Baptist Church Scholarship; Oak Grove Christian Church Scholarship; Robbie and Malinda Parker Scholarship; Potecasi Baptist Church Scholarship; Red Springs Baptist Church; Keith and Brooke Reich Scholarship; Roberts Chapel Baptist Church; Rocky Hock Baptist Church Scholarship, Edenton; Rouson Memorial Scholarship; Linda M. Thompson Scholarship; Maurice C. and Dorothy Dobyns Winstead Scholarship

Chowan Christian Service Association Missions Designated Endowments

Linda Blackburn Missions Endowment: Established to provide financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need.

Book of Memory Missions Endowment: Established with memorial gifts in memory of various individuals who have had a relationship in some way with the University, the endowment provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina Missions Endowment: Established to provide financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need.

Center for Ethics Missions Endowment: Established to provide financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need.

Joni Glover Evans Family Missions Endowment: Established in 2012 by John M. and Jewell Glover of Seaboard, NC, the endowment provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given to first to students with financial need. Jewell Glover is a long-standing member of the Board of Trustees.

John Mark Glover Family Missions Endowment: Established in 2012 by John M. and Jewell Glover of Seaboard, NC, the endowment is established to provide financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need. Jewell Glover is a long-standing member of the Board of Trustees.

Matthew Glover Family Missions Endowment: Established in 2012 by John M. and Jewell Glover of Seaboard, NC, the endowment provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need. Jewell Glover is a long-standing member of the Board of Trustees.

Harvey Hobart Hill Memorial Missions Endowment: Established in 2014 by Wayne and Katie Hill of Wake Forest, NC, the endowment was given in memory of Wayne’s father and provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need.  Wayne is a member of the Board of Trustees.

Nell Glover Todd Family Missions Endowment: Established in 2012 by John M. and Jewell Glover of Seaboard, NC, the endowment provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need. Jewell Glover is a long-standing member of the Board of Trustees.

Jill Glover Family Missions Endowment: Established in 2012 by John M. and Jewell Glover of Seaboard, NC, the endowment provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need. Jewell Glover is a long-standing member of the Board of Trustees.

Charles and Juanita Pond Missions Endowment: Established in 2012 by Charles and Juanita Pond of Smithfield, VA, the endowment provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need.

Williams-Sample Missions Endowment: Established in 2014 by Nancy Williams Sample of Elizabeth City, NC, the endowment was given in of both families and provides financial assistance to students participating in University sponsored missions experiences with preference given first to students with financial need. 

Other Chowan Christian Service Association Missions Designated Scholarships

Earlys Baptist Church Missions Endowment; Ronald W. and Betsy F. McSwain Missions Endowment; M. Christopher and Linda F. White Missions Endowment; The Reverend Mari E. Wiles Missions Endowment; New Vision Ministries Missions Endowment

Drama Endowed Scholarships

M. Elizabeth Harris Memorial Drama Scholarship: Established by M. Elizabeth Harris of Seaboard, NC to assist students participating in drama productions and who demonstrate financial need.

Lois Vann Wynn Memorial Scholarship: Given by Mary Frances Hobson of Wenonah, NJ, the scholarship honors the memory of a Chowan University alumna. It is awarded to one or more students who are active in the drama program.

English Endowed Scholarships

Philip A. and Edith Vick Farris Scholarship: Established in 2008 by Philip A Farris and Edith Vick Farris, the scholarship provides financial assistance to a full-time student majoring in English. First preference is given to students who are members of Sandy Run, Kelford, and Lewiston Baptist Churches. Preference is also given to member churches of the West Chowan Baptist Association. The student must have performed academically at a 3.0 GPA or higher to earn and maintain the scholarship. Edith Farris is a Chowan Alumna and a past member of the Board of Trustees.

Bernice Kelly Harris Memorial Scholarship: Funded by friends of the late Dr. Harris, including the Roanoke-Chowan Group of northeastern NC, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students who plan to study creative writing and English.

Ella J. Pierce Memorial Scholarship: Given by Mr. and Mrs. William G. Lawrence of Murfreesboro, NC and numerous friends of the late Dr. Pierce, former chair of the Department of English. The recipient must be a worthy student specializing in English.

Financial Need Endowed Scholarships

D. F. and Ada C. Adams Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship honors the memory of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Adams, parents of Mrs. Esther Whitaker, wife of former Chowan University President, Dr. Bruce Whitaker. Funded by family and friends, the scholarship assists a worthy and needy student.

Ahoskie Women’s Club Scholarship: Established by the Women’s Club of Ahoskie, NC in 1978. Recipients must be a resident of Hertford County, preferably female. Assuming good academic performance the scholarship may be renewed on a continuing basis.

Sharee Carol Atkinson Scholarship: Established by Sharee Atkinson Burns, the scholarship provides financial assistance to a student from Virginia.

Barnhill Scholarship: Funded by Robert Barnhill of Tarboro, NC, a former trustee of Chowan University, the scholarship assists a worthy and needy student.

Frederick Wharton Beazley Scholarship: Established by the Frederick W. Beazley Foundation of Portsmouth, VA, worthy and needy students from Portsmouth, VA are supported by this scholarship.

J. Grady and Maggie Boone Bridgers Scholarship: Established in 1986 by Lanny B. Bridgers of Atlanta, GA in memory of his father and honor his mother, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Dorothy H. Brown Memorial Scholarship: Established by Edwin P. Brown, Jr., Hannah Brown, Dorothy Mae Shoffner and Andrew Brown, the scholarship assists students who have financial need.

Bryan Scholarship: Honoring the memory of James E. and Mary Z. Bryan, the scholarship is restricted to North Carolina residents who are worthy and needy.

Edith Larson Burr Scholarship: Established by the estate of Edith Larson Burr who was a teacher at Chowan University from 1965 to 1971, the scholarship supports students who have financial need.

Paul Douglas and Ella Cobb Camp Memorial Scholarship: An endowed scholarship established by the Reverend J. Felix Arnold and his wife, Frances Marks Arnold, granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Camp. Reverend Arnold served Chowan University many years as trustee including several terms as chairman. The scholarship is intended for worthy and needy students.

Gordon Yearby Chandler Memorial Scholarship: Established by wife, Linda Chandler-Rhodes of Bahama, NC in memory of her husband, the scholarship assists worthy and deserving students.

Frances White Coleman and H. Gordon Coleman Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of Frances W. Coleman, a Chowan University faculty member from 1953-1968, recipients must be worthy and needy young people from Virginia and North Carolina.

Bobby S. Cross Memorial Scholarship: Funded by friends and colleagues of Mr. Cross, who served Chowan University for 18 years as Director of Development, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Durrett Scholarship: Funded by Mr. and Mrs. William W. Durrett of Chester, VA to support worthy and needy students.

James Bertram Early, Sr. and Sybil Britton Early Memorial Scholarship: Provided by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wood Myers of Ahoskie, NC in memory of Mrs. Myers’ parents. Preference is given to worthy and needy students from the Roanoke-Chowan area of NC. Mr. and Mrs. Myers are both Chowan alumni, and she has served several years as Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Eva Ethridge Memorial Scholarship: Established by Eva Ethridge Miller of Bertie County, NC through her estate to honor the memory of her mother. The scholarship supports worthy and needy students.

Connie Wynn Evans and Edward Robert Evans, Sr. Scholarship: Established by E. R. Evans, Jr. of Murfreesboro, NC in honor of his parents, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Freeman Memorial Scholarship: Funded by Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Singleton of Raleigh, NC in memory of Lecausey P. and Lula H. Freeman and in honor of their five daughters who attended Chowan University. Preference is given to, but not limited to, female students from Hertford, Bertie, Northampton or Gates County, NC.

Futrell/Revelle Memorial Scholarship: Established by Mr. and Mrs. Riddick Revelle of Fayetteville, NC, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Roland L. Garrett Memorial Scholarship: Funded by Roland L. Garrett of Elizabeth City, NC, long time trustee and benefactor, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Mary Olivia Parker Green Memorial Scholarship: Funded by a gift from the estate of Maylia G. Rightmire, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Herbert M. Griffith and Madeline M. Griffith Memorial Scholarship: Funded by Madeline M. Griffith, a 1937 Chowan University alumna, in memory of her husband. Preference is given to great nieces and nephews of Mr. Griffith.

Timothy James Guffee Scholarship: Established by Mr. and Mrs. James Guffee of Wilmington, NC, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Mrs. Luther A. Irby, Jr. Scholarship: Established by Luther A. Irby, Jr., the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

William F. “Buck” and Fannie G. Jones Scholarship: Given by their daughter Frances Jones Bass and her husband Oakel B. Bass, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students with preference to residents of Northampton County, NC.

Susie and John Justice Memorial Scholarship: Provided by Mrs. J. M. Justice of Boone, NC in memory of her husband and his mother, Susie Latimer Mitchell Justice. The award is based on need and motivation.

James Marion and Grace Gray Laughlin Memorial Scholarship: Established by family and friends of the Laughlins, the scholarship provides assistance to worthy and needy students. The Laughlins were the parents of Dr. Carolyn Jackson, the wife of Dr. Jerry Jackson, former president of Chowan University.

Roy E. Leary Memorial Scholarship: Established by an estate gift from Roy E. Leary of Edenton, NC, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Joel T. Lee, Mary W. Lee, and Jerry T. Lee Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established to assist worthy and needy students from Northampton or Hertford County, NC.

William Watson Mitchell Memorial Scholarship: Established by former NC Senator, Chowan alumnus and trustee, John R. Jordan, Jr. of Raleigh, NC in memory of William Watson Mitchell, his great-grandfather, who assisted in the founding of the university.

Forest Orion Mixon, Sr. Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1956 by family and friends of Dr. Mixon, president of Chowan University from 1951 to 1956. The scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Gladiola Parker Moore Scholarship: Established in 2012 by James Elliott Moore, grandson, member of the Board of Visitors, and alumnus.  The scholarship is established to provide financial assistance to a worthy and/or needy full-time student.

Lawrence W. and Elaine E. Myers Scholarship: Established in 2010 by Lawrence W. and Elaine E. Myers of Ahoskie, NC, the scholarship provides financial assistance to worthy and needy full-time students of the Roanoke-Chowan area of NC.

George V. Neblett Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of George V. Neblett of Murfreesboro, NC, assistance is given to worthy and needy students preference to residents of Murfreesboro.

Elwood W. Parker Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established to honor one of the truly great people who influenced Chowan University. The recipient is chosen on the basis of merit and need.

Jay White Porter Scholarship: Established by Chowan alumnus John L. Long of Mineral, VA, the fund supports worthy and needy students.`

Betty Spivey Pritchard Scholarship: Funded from the estate of Mrs. Pritchard’s daughter, Elizabeth P. Snipes of Lewiston, NC, the scholarship helps needy and worthy young people to secure an education, preferably young women.

Charles Revelle, Sr. and Martha Seymour Revelle Memorial Scholarship: Established by will of Martha Seymour Revelle, a Chowan alumnus class of 1937, this scholarship was funded in 2004. The scholarship is awarded to worthy and/or needy full-time students. Preference is given first to students from Hertford County and then to residents of North Carolina. Charles and Martha Revelle were loyal supporters of Chowan and residents of Murfreesboro.

J. Guy Revelle, Sr. and Pearla Futrell Revelle Memorial Scholarship: Funded by Mr. and Mrs. J. Guy Revelle, Sr., the recipient is chosen on the basis of merit and need. Preference is given to students from Northampton and Hertford Counties, NC.

J. Guy Revelle, Jr. and Gertrude Johnson Revelle Scholarship: Funded by Mrs. Gertrude J. Revelle, family and friends. The recipient is chosen on the basis of merit and need. Preference is given to students from Northampton and Hertford Counties, NC.

Charles W. Ripley, Jr. Scholarship: Established by Charles W. Ripley, Sr. in honor of his son, the scholarship supports worthy and needy students.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Urbin Rogers Memorial Scholarship: Established by Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rogers of Williamston, NC, the scholarship supports worthy and needy students.

Walter F. and Doretha C. Rose Scholarship: Established by W. Frank Rose and wife, Penny Rose of Ahoskie, NC, the scholarship honors his parents. Funds are given to worthy and needy students.

Jenny Smith Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of Jenny Smith, this scholarship provides assistance to worthy and needy full-time students. First preference is given to residents of the Mills Home for Children in Thomasville, NC.

Rachel Spivey Memorial Scholarship: Established by the late Mary P. Askew of Lewiston, NC in memory of her mother. The scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Henry and Emma Louise Steinmetz Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1987 by the estate of Martha Hawkins Steinmetz of Raleigh, NC to assist worthy and needy students.

Henry Straughan Stokes and Eloise Brown Stokes Memorial Scholarship: Established by Walter B. and Julia Stokes Elsee of Smithfield, NC, in memory of her parents. The scholarship is awarded to one or more needy students.

Mary P. Thomas Memorial Scholarship: Established by the late Mary P. Thomas of Cofield, NC, an alumna and long-time benefactor of Chowan University, the scholarship is awarded to a worthy and needy student(s) approved by the deacons of the Bethlehem Baptist Church.

Bertha Hicks Turner Memorial Scholarship: Established by Mary Johnson Hart of Durham, NC, niece of Mrs. Turner, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

George T. Underwood Memorial Scholarship: Given by his wife, Anne T. Underwood, Mr. Underwood was a leader and benefactor of Chowan University. The award may be made to one or more worthy and needy students.

Benjamin Bascom and Sarah Elizabeth Howell Ussery Scholarship: Established by Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Ussery of Richmond, VA in memory of his father and honor of his mother. Recipients are chosen on the basis of financial need and satisfactory academic standing, and must be from Virginia, with preference given to students from Boykins, Southampton County, Suffolk, or Nansemond County.

Fred A. Vann Memorial Scholarship: Funded by the estate of Fred A. Vann of Isle of Wight County, VA, two or more scholarships are given to worthy and needy students. Awards are renewable providing that the recipient maintains at least a 2.0 average.

Craig Brette Vaughan and Tucie Phelps Vaughan Memorial Scholarship: Initiated in 2009, by Sammy Vaughan and Nita Vaughan Michels and made possible by an estate gift from Tucie P. Vaughan, the scholarship assists a fulltime student. Preference is given to students from Hertford or Bertie County.

Jesse Edward and Linda J. Vaughan Scholarship: Established by Jesse E. Vaughan of Murfreesboro and a Chowan trustee. Recipients must have at least a 2.5 high school average and have financial need. Selection criteria in order of preference are member of Meherrin Baptist Church, a resident of Murfreesboro, a resident of Hertford County, a resident of northeastern NC or southeastern VA.

Maggie L. Vaughan Scholarship: Established in 2006 by Maggie L. Vaughan of Franklin, VA, the scholarship provides financial assistance to a worthy and needy student from Virginia.

Wallace Scholarship: Established in 1989 by L. M. and Dorothy A. Wallace of Woodland, NC. The Wallaces spent many years as faculty members at Chowan prior to retirement. Mrs. Wallace was honored with an honorary doctorate by Chowan University in May 2007.

Carrie Bazemore White Memorial Scholarship: Established by Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. White of Windsor, NC to honor the memory of his mother who was a Chowan alumna. It assists worthy and needy students, with preference given to students from Bertie and Hertford Counties, NC.

Louise Ange White Scholarship: Established in 1992 by Senator Vernon E. White of Winterville, NC, a benefactor and former trustee of Chowan. The scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Robert C. and Violet Lassiter White Scholarship: Established in 1987 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. White to provide financial assistance to worthy and needy students.

Eddie Mae Vaughan Woods Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2005 by Maggie L. Vaughan of Franklin, VA in memory of her sister. The scholarship assists worthy and needy students from Virginia.

Francis H. Worsley Scholarship: Established in 1988 by Janice B. Buck, owner of Buck Supply Co. in Greenville, NC to honor her employee Francis Worsley. The scholarship assists worthy and needy students.

Other Financial Need Scholarships

The Carl Maurice Baber, Sr. and Estelle Welch Baber Scholarship; Davenport Family Scholarship; Georgia-Pacific Scholarship; Juanita W. Moore Scholarship; Cynthia and Lewis Nicholson Scholarship; Kelvin Scott Hoggard Memorial Scholarship

Graphic Communication Endowed Scholarships

George I. Alden Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1992 and funded by the George I. Alden Trust of Worchester, MA, the scholarship benefits worthy and needy students studying Graphic Communication. The departmental faculty must approve recipients.

Herman Wade Gatewood Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2003 by alumni, faculty, friends and staff of Chowan’s William. A. Krueger School of Graphic Communications in memory of Herman Wade Gatewood, who served as a member of the faculty from 1963-1993.

James L. Knight Scholarship: Provided by the Knight Charitable Trust and named in honor of James L. Knight, Chairman of the Board, Knight-Ridder Newspaper, Inc., Miami, FL to provide two or more scholarships to worthy and needy students majoring in Printing Technology. Recipients must be recommended by the Department of Graphic Communication and must maintain a 2.0 average for renewal.

William A. Krueger Scholarship: A scholarship honoring one of the pioneers of the printing industry, the award is given to a student in Graphic Communication.

John Newton Ogletree Scholarship: Given by Mrs. Charles F. Ogletree
in honor of her son, the scholarship assists a deserving student in Graphic

Riverside Printing Scholarship: Established by Frank Edwards of Rocky Mount, NC, and trustee of Chowan University. Recipients must be in the top 25 percent of their high school classes and study printing at Chowan University.

William B. Sowell Scholarship: Established in 2007 by alumni, faculty, friends and staff of Chowan’s William A. Krueger School of Graphic Communication in honor of William B. Sowell, who served as a member of the faculty from 1955-1993.

Other Graphic Communication Scholarships

Fred Clinton and Marjorie Early Tayloe Scholarship

History Endowed Scholarships

Charles L. Paul History Scholarship: Established in 2008 by Danny and Lynne Moore in honor of Charles L. Paul, the scholarship provides financial assistance to a rising junior History major with a 3.0 grade point average or higher and can be renewed for one additional year. Preference is given to a need-based student.

Earl Trent, Sr. and Daynelle Trent Scholarship: Established in 2014 by Daynell Trent of Murfreesboro, NC, the scholarship is awarded to a History or Art major who is a native of North Carolina or Viginia who has performed academically at a GPA of 3.0 or above to earn and maintain the scholarship. Preference is given to veterans.

Other History Scholarships

Alice Linda Hassell Scholarship; Virgil I. Krapauskas Histor Scholarship

Humanities Endowed Scholarships

Louis E. Dailey, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Sheron J. Dailey, Ph.D. to memorialize her father and to express her commitment to higher education. The scholarship provides assistance to a full-time student majoring in one of the humanities. Pre-law students are also eligible.

The Rev. Louis E. Dailey, Sr. Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Sheron J. Dailey, Ph.D. to memorialize her grandfather who was a Baptist minister in North Carolina and Virginia during the first half of the twentieth century. The scholarship provides assistance to a full-time student who plans to assume a leadership role in religion. The student must major in one of the humanities.

Leadership Endowed Scholarships

Ahoskie Lions Club Scholarship: Established in 2014 by the membership of the Ahoskie Lions Club, the scholarship provides financial assistance to a worthy full-time student who has demonstrated leadership in high school or at the college level. First preference is given to residents of Ahoskie, Hertford County and the Roanoke-Chowan area.

Susan Parker Kerr Memorial Scholarship: Susan P. Kerr, a native of Murfreesboro, NC and a Chowan University alumna, provided this scholarship. The fund supports students selected for the Chowan University Leadership Scholars Program.

Mathematics Endowed Scholarships

Allen Raye and Christine Riddick Vick Scholarship: Established in 2006 by Edith Vick Farris ‘53, Chowan Trustee, to memorialize her brother, Allen Raye Vick and her sister-in-law, Christine Riddick Vick. The scholarship provides financial assistance to a full-time student majoring in Mathematics. Applicants must be from Hampton Baptist Church, Hampton, VA, or from Hope Valley Baptist Church, Durham, NC, or from a member church in the West-Chowan, Chowan and Yates Baptist Associations of North Carolina.

Other Mathematics Scholarships

M. Christopher and Linda F. White Scholarship

Ministerial Endowed Scholarships

Thomas H. and Ann Baird Caulkins Scholarship: Funded by family and friends of the Reverend and Mrs. Caulkins, the scholarship is restricted to a ministerial student or to a child of an ordained minister. Reverend Caulkins was pastor of Murfreesboro Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, NC for many years.

Creech Memorial Scholarship: An endowed scholarship in memory of the Reverend and Mrs. Oscar Creech funded by Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Valentine of Raleigh, NC and numerous friends of Reverend Creech, who served as pastor of the First Baptist Church, Ahoskie, NC for 27 years and as a member of the Chowan University staff for 10 years. Financial assistance is provided to ministerial students, with preference to those coming from churches in the West Chowan Baptist Association.

Bess Hayes Orrell Scholarship: Established in 1988 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vincent Tilson and Mr. and Mrs. E. Vincent Tilson in memory of Bess H. Orrell, a 1909 alumna. Recipients must be a Gates County, NC resident, a Baptist and a religion major. The recipients must demonstrate interest in church-related vocation.

Wilbur W. Pickett Scholarship: Established by Neil Pickett of Hampton, VA, a Chowan University alumnus, to honor his father. The recipient must be studying towards service in a full-time Christian vocation, must be of good moral character and have the recommendation of his local church. Preference is given to a student who plans to enter the pastoral ministry and/or who is a member of a church affiliated with the Peninsula (VA) Baptist Association.

Vera Parker Womble Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2003 by her children and grandchildren. Vera Parker Womble was recognized in October 2002 as Chowan’s oldest living alumnus. The scholarship is given on basis of strong Christian faith and the recipient must reside in Hertford or Wilson counties, or northeastern North Carolina.

Other Ministerial Endowed Scholarships

Billie Keene and Sallie Doris Lewis Keene Scholarship

Music Endowed Scholarships

D. Emily Barnes Memorial Scholarship: Funded by the estate of D. Emily Barnes, the daughter of one of the founders of Chowan University, the scholarship is awarded to an outstanding and deserving piano major.

John B. Brewer Scholarship: This scholarship is restricted to students who are majoring in music.

Clyde Braxton Britt Memorial Chowan University Scholarship: Established April 10, 2006 by C. Braxton Britt, Christian friend and member of the Board of Visitors, the scholarship honored the university status of the institution. It was the first endowed scholarship of the University. Recipients must be citizens of the United States.

James Elias and Permelia Britt Memorial Scholarship: Established by C. Braxton Britt of Murfreesboro, NC. Recipients must be citizens of the United States.

Earl B. Chappell, Jr. Scholarship: Initiated in 2010 by Chowan alumnus Earl Chappell of Murfreesboro, NC, the scholarship assists a full-time student majoring in music.

Anna Belle Crouch Memorial Scholarship: Established by Anna Belle Crouch of Murfreesboro, NC, first preference is given to students who are majoring in music with secondary preference given to students studying speech or religion.

Mary Lawrence Davenport Memorial Scholarship: Established by Virginia H. Grier of Raleigh, NC, the scholarship is restricted to students who are majoring in music

Futrell Memorial Music/Art Scholarship: Funded by William M. Futrell, Sr., of Rich Square, NC in memory of his sister Sadie Futrell (class of 1919) and in honor of his wife Willa Parker Futrell (class of 1930). The award is granted to a deserving major.

M. Elizabeth Harris Memorial Scholarship: Established by M. Elizabeth Harris to assist a student majoring in music and preparing for a career in church music. The student must demonstrate financial need.

Bernice Britt Herbin Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2006 by C. Braxton Britt of Murfreesboro, NC and funded through his estate. Recipients must be citizens of the United States.

Cheryl Joy Hobday McElheney Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2006 by Cheryl McElheney, alumna and trustee from Roanoke Rapids, NC, the scholarship is restricted to students who are preparing for a career in music, citizens of the United States and who are Christians. Additionally, students must maintain an A average.

Bruce R. and Henry T. Pulliam Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Bruce R. Pulliam and sister Mildred Pulliam Wrenn from the estate of brother Henry T. Pulliam. The scholarship honors their commitment to Chowan University and the music program. The scholarship is for a full-time student majoring in music.

Dorothy Francis and David M. Robertson Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2007 by Julian Robertson of Ahoskie, NC in memory of his wife, a Chowan alumna, and son. The scholarship is for a full-time student majoring in music.

Other Music Scholarships

Daniel Hunt Scholarship; Mary Pearce Scholarship; Barbara Young Revelle Memorial Scholarship; W. Julian Robertson, Jr. Scholarship; M. Christopher and Linda F. White Scholarship; NC Watermelon Festival at Murfreesboro, Inc. Scholarship

Performing Arts Endowed Scholarships

Dr. James M. Chamblee Performing Arts Scholarship: Established in 2006 by Carla Chamblee in memory of her husband Dr. James M. Chamblee, Faculty Emeritus and retired Chair of the Fine Arts Department. The scholarship provides financial assistance to full-time students majoring or earning a minor in Performing Arts to include Music, Drama, and Dance.

Science and Pre-medical Endowed Scholarships

Grady P. and Marguerite Davis, Sr. Scholarship: Established by Mrs. Marguerite Davis of Rocky Mount, NC, the scholarship is restricted to students studying in a health-related field.

Rose Dilustro Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2012 by Dr. John Dilustro, Associate Provost and Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, the scholarship memorializes the memory of his mother and is awarded annually to a worthy full-time returning student majoring in Biology who has an interest in pursuing a career in the medical field. Preference is given to women from the Tidewater area of Virginia.

Robert E. Lee, III Memorial Scholarship: Robert E. Lee, III was a lifelong resident of Murfreesboro, NC until his death at age 27 in March 2008. He was a 2005 Chowan alumnus with a major in Environmental Biology. He had an intense love and respect for the outdoors, for the environment and for God’s creations. The scholarship also honors Gilbert A. Tripp, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Biology at Chowan who was instrumental in Robert’s academic career. Recipients shall be natural science majors from northeastern North Carolina or southeastern Virginia.

Matilda S. McDonald Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of Martha Hawkins Steinmetz of Raleigh, NC, the scholarship is restricted to students who plan for a career in a health-related profession.

John Wesley Raymond Memorial Scholarship: Established by the family and friends of the late Dr. Raymond, a Chowan alumnus, and his father, John Wesley Raymond, Sr., the scholarship is awarded to deserving students in the science program, upon recommendation of the science faculty.

Murphy B. and Nancy W. Sample Scholarship for Science: Formalized in 1999 by Murphy and Nancy Sample and Alma Williams, the scholarship is for students majoring in science. First preference is given to students from Pasquotank County, second to students from Gates County and third to students from Camden County.

Copeland-Stallings Scholarship: Established by Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Valentine of Raleigh, NC in memory of Dorothy D. Stallings and in honor of Dr. E. Luther Copeland. The scholarship supports a pre-med student.

Other Science and Pre-medical Scholarships

Dr. Garth D. Faile Scholarship

Sport Studies and Physical Education Scholarships

Joseph Lee Parker Scholarship: Established in 1993 by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parker and Jane lee Parker Johnson of Raleigh, NC, the scholarship is awarded to a rising Junior or Senior male Physical education major.  The student must demonstrate he is a role model for students ans demonstrate such potential as a professional, exemplify scholarly pursuits through grade point average and show evidence of leadership and people skills.

Teacher Education Endowed Scholarships

The Friends of Teacher Education Association provides scholarships for deserving and needy students preparing for a career in teaching. The Association is supported by gifts from individuals, schools, foundations and businesses. As part of the overall endowment corpus, the following scholarships have been funded:

Ahoskie Women’s Club Boyette Scholarship: Established in 1997 by the Ahoskie, NC Women’s Club, the scholarship is restricted to a Hertford, Gates, Bertie, or Northampton County resident, male or female, enrolled in the teacher education program.

Irma Vaughan Beale Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1991 by Temperance and Maggie L. Vaughan of Franklin, VA, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students majoring in Teacher Education from Virginia.

James Lawson Briley Memorial Scholarship: Established by Nell Briley and Linda Briley Weaver, this scholarship is restricted to students from Vance County, NC who have an overall minimum 3.0 high school grade point average. Recipients must maintain an overall 3.0 average at Chowan University.

Sarah Vaughan Darden Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1998 by Maggie L. Vaughan of Franklin, VA, the scholarship assists worthy and needy students majoring in Teacher Education from Virginia.

Cecil Sherwood Hollomon, Jr. Scholarship: Established in 2009 by Cecil Sherwood Hollomon, Jr., Chowan alumnus and trustee, the scholarship provides financial assistance to students committed to
pursuing a career in the field of Middle School or Elementary Education.

Gustavus Ernest Lineberry Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2010 by an estate gift from Martha Foy Lineberry. Ms. Lineberry’s father served as president of Chowan College from 1914 to 1918.

Mary and Bill Little Scholarship: Established in 2008 by Bill Little of Jackson, NC to provide assistance to a full-time junior or senior committed to teaching in the public school system within the region of Chowan University. Preference is given to students who achieve in academics (3.0 or above), major in Music Education and who are natives of northeastern North Carolina.

Lou Evans Mason Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2010 in memory of Chowan alumna Lou Mason by her son James Mason, a Chowan University trustee, and her daughter, Norma Mason Meier.

Mamie Darden Nelms Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of Mamie Darden Nelms, the funds are restricted to a student in the teacher education program.

Homer Vann Parker, Jr. and Nina Gatling Parker Scholarship: Established in 1998 with a gift from Nina Gatling Parker of Gatesville, NC, the fund supports a student in the teacher education program.

Dr. and Mrs. Walter Raleigh Parker Scholarship: Established by family and friends of the Parkers, the scholarship supports students majoring in Elementary Education who have earned a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher and have been accepted into the School of Education.

Rowland and Mary V. Pruette Scholarship: Initiated in 2000 by a gift from Rowland and Mary V. Pruette, the fund provides financial assistance to a full-time junior or senior with a grade point average of 2.5 and above. Mr. Pruette taught religion at Chowan from 1968 to 1986.

John Scarborough Lawrence and H. McDonald Spiers Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1999 by Anna S. Lawrence of Raleigh, NC in memory of her husband. The fund assists a student in the teacher education program.

Daniel C. Surface Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2011, the scholarship honors Dan Surface’s memory and his commitment to the University for more than 40 years as an administrator, teacher and coach. The scholarship is established to provide financial assistance to full-time students majoring in Physical Education who are preparing to become certified teachers. Preference is to be given to students with financial need.

Brenda S. Tinkham Scholarship: Established in 2006 by Brenda S. Tinkham of Murfreesboro, NC, the scholarship supports students majoring in Elementary Education who have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher and have been accepted into the School of Education. Dr. Tinkham is the Dean of the School of Education.

Howard C. Vaughan Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2002 by the late Howard C. Vaughan of Woodland, NC. Recipients must be in the teacher education program. Preference is given to residents of Northampton, Gates, Chowan, Hertford, Bertie, Martin or Halifax counties.

Linda C. Warfford Memorial Scholarship: Established in 2008 by Linda Cowan Warfford, a Bertie County native, the scholarship is established to provide financial assistance to a full-time student majoring in Teacher Education. Recipients must be accepted into the School of Education and committed to pursuing a career in the field of Education.

Linda Fleming White Scholarship: Established in 2011 by Chowan University President and Mrs. Linda White, the scholarship honors her career as an elementary school teacher. Preference is given to students majoring in Elementary Education.

Other Teacher Education Scholarships

Dominion Power Scholarship; John Milton Jenkins, Sr. and Josephine Ambrose Jenkins Scholarship; Stanley A. Mitchell and A.K. and Flora Perkins Scholarship

General Purpose Endowed Scholarships

Ella Cobb Camp Memorial Scholarship: Established by her daughter, Texie Camp Marks, the scholarship honors Mrs. Camp, a noted philanthropist and supporter of Chowan University. The President’s home at Chowan University is named in memory of Mrs. Camp. Student recipients of the scholarship must be from southeastern Virginia.

Conway Baptist Church Scholarship: Funded by Conway Baptist Church of Conway, NC, recipients must be either a member of Conway Baptist Church, a resident of Conway or a member of a church in the West Chowan Baptist Association. Recipients must maintain a 2.0 grade point average to keep the scholarship.

Ezell-Whitaker Memorial Scholarship: Established by Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Whitaker, former president and first lady of Chowan University, in memory of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fay Alvin Whitaker, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. Clint Ezell, and great uncle Dr. S. J. Ezell. Preference is given to students with a rural or small town background.

M. Elizabeth Harris Memorial Liberal Arts Scholarship: Established by M. Elizabeth Harris of Seaboard, NC to assist students majoring in liberal arts areas.

Myra Vann Holland Memorial Scholarship: Established by the estate of Myra Vann Holland of Edenton, NC the scholarship assists worthy, ambitious and outstanding students residing in Chowan County, NC.

James T. “Jim” Johnson Scholarship: Established in 2008, the scholarship provides financial assistance to a worthy full-time student with preference given to residents of Hertford, Halifax, and Northampton counties.

Robert Clayton Lewis Scholarship: Established in 1992 by Robert Clayton Lewis, Dean Emeritus of Chowan who served the University from 1968-1995. The scholarship is awarded to worthy and deserving students having at least one parent employed as a full-time classroom teacher at the pre-college level. The scholarship honors Clayton’s wife, Mary Alice Lewis, who taught for forty years.

McPherson Pepsi-Cola Scholarship: Established with a gift from Russell Hull of McPherson Beverages of Roanoke Rapids, NC, the scholarship assists a student who is a good citizen and who shows signs of becoming a community/civic leader.

Texie Camp Marks Memorial Scholarship: Funded by Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation of Southampton County, VA, for students from this general area with preference given to students from Southampton and Isle of Wight counties in VA and Tidewater, VA. These scholarships are not limited to need.

Murfreesboro Rotary Club Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated good citizenship, who has been active in extra-curricular activities, and who supports the Chowan University Rotoract Club.

Carols. Neal Scholarship: Established in 2015 the scholarship provides financial assistance to a worthy full-time student.

Laura Gertrude Sample Scholarship: Established by Nellie S. Mercer Wood, the preference for recipients is as follows: first, a member of Berea Baptist Church, Elizabeth City, NC; second, a member of Corinth Baptist Church, Elizabeth City, NC; and third, a member of a church in the Chowan Baptist Association.

Ida C. Sawyer Scholarship: Established by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Merritt Burns of Charlotte, NC, preference is given to members of First Baptist Church, New Bern, NC.

Ben C. Sutton, Sr. Scholarship: Established in 1989 by Ben C. Sutton, Jr. The scholarship funds work-study assistance, preferably in the Chowan University business office with other administrative offices possible.

Other General Purpose Scholarships

Myrtle Ange Black Scholarship; David Lawrence Boone Scholarship; Mattie Mizelle Dunnstan Memorial Scholarship; The Lawrence P. Hollister Scholarship; The Veterans Scholarship

All Federal, State, Institutional, and Endowed Funds are awarded based on availability of funds from respective sources.

Loan Funds

Federal Perkins Loan, subject to available funding, is a loan ranging up to $4,000 per year, total eligibility is $20,000. Recipients must have exceptional need. Repayment is deferred until nine months after the borrower ceases to be at least a half-time student. Interest at 5% begins nine months after the borrower ceases to be at least a half-time student. Awards determined on a case by case basis.

Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan Program allows freshmen students with demonstrated need to borrow up to $3,500. Sophomores with demonstrated need may borrow up to $4,500. Juniors and Seniors with demonstrated need may borrow up to $5,500. The total amount that a student can receive as an undergraduate is $23,000. The government pays the interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Repayment begins six months after a student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time or graduates. The loans are guaranteed and insured by the Federal Government. A FAFSA is required. Origination fees are deducted from the loan principal before funds are sent to the school.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan Program is the same as the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan except it is not based on financial need. The student is responsible for interest while in college. A FAFSA is required.

Federal Direct Parent Loans (PLUS) for undergraduate students are available to parents of dependent undergraduate students. The maximum amount a parent may borrow is the cost of education minus any estimated financial aid. The borrower (parent) must meet established credit criteria. If a parent is denied a Plus loan, the student may borrow an Unsubsidized Stafford Loan for an amount up to $4,000-$5,000 depending on their eligibility and grade level.

Federal Direct Loan Program for Graduate Students unsubsidized loan limit for graduate or professional students is $20,500 per academic year. Students must file a FAFSA to be eligible for student loans

Forgivable Education Loans for Service (FELS) Established by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2011, the Forgivable Education Loans for Service provides financial assistance to qualified students enrolled in an approved education program and committed to working in critical employment shortage professions in North Carolina. For the 2014-15 academic year eligible degree programs may be found by clicking the link below. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority provides administration for the program. More information can be found online at www.cfnc.org.

Federal Teach Grant Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program that provides grants of up to $3,708 per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. For additional information visit http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/TEACH.jsp. The TEACH grant is available to junior, senior, and graduate students accepted into the School of Education.

Private Loans are available to students to borrow as much as the cost of attendance less other financial aid received. A Co-borrower may be required if the student has no credit or has credit problems. Interest rates and repayment terms will vary with lender and applicant. Contact the financial aid office for more information on Private loans. Lenders can be compared online at www.elmselect.com.

Federal Work Study

The University participates in the Federal Work Study Program to provide jobs for students who meet the eligibility requirements. Employment is available on campus and off campus with public or nonprofit agencies. Students are paid at least minimum wage. A FAFSA is required.