Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

School of Graduate Studies Handbook

School of Graduate Studies

The School of Graduate Studies builds on Chowan University’s strength in undergraduate education. For over 170 years, Chowan University students have excelled in a broad variety of academic disciplines and career fields. The School of Graduate Studies maintains this emphasis on academic excellence, service, and commitment to Christian higher education. Currently, Chowan University offers a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership, Master of Arts in Teaching, and Master of Education.

Graduate Programs

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

All applicants to the Master of Education (M.Ed.) should submit the following to the Office of Graduate Admissions:

  1. A completed School of Graduate Studies application, online at www.chowan.edu/school-graduate-studies;

  2. A non-refundable application fee of $50.00, payable to Chowan University;

  3. An official transcript of all previous academic work beyond high school, to be sent directly from each institution attended;

  4. Three professional recommendations;

  5. Scores on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT). Chowan University’s GRE code is 5107 and the MAT code is 2564;

  6. A typed,200-400 word, personal statement describing one’s rationale for pursuing an advanced degree as an educator, along with a description of personal qualities, achievements, and activities that will contribute to success as an educator.

  7. Evidence of “A” level North Carolina Teacher’s license or evidence of application for a license;

  8. A professional resume or curriculum vitae.

  9. International Students also submit:

  • A satisfactory TOEFL score, unless English is the student’s native language or the language of college instruction.

  • Transcripts, certificates, and/or diplomas from any institution outside the United States. These must first be submitted to World Education Services (WES) for evaluation before being mailed to the School of Graduate Studies.  Application for WES evaluations may be found at www.WES.org. 

  • An official Statement of Financial Responsibility, along with a letter from the student’s or sponsor’s bank showing the amount to cover one year of graduate study. The Statement of Financial Responsibility must be translated into U.S. dollars and received directly from the applicant’s bank on official stationary.

  • All application materials should be in place at least 90-days in advance of the beginning of the semester.


When all documents have been received, they will be reviewed by the Admissions Office, who will then forward completed applications to the Graduate Council.  

The Graduate Council will review applicants and make a decision on each applicant’s admission status.  Students are notified of their admission status as soon as possible.  Due to the confidential nature of some of the items required for admission, Chowan University reserves the right to reject any applicant without stating a reason.

Master of Arts in Teaching

All applicants to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) should submit the following to the Office of Graduate Admissions:

  1. A completed School of Graduate Studies application, online at www.chowan.edu/school-graduate-studies;

  2. A non-refundable application fee of $50.00, payable to Chowan University;

  3. An official transcript of all previous academic work beyond high school, to be sent directly from each institution attended;

  4. Three professional recommendations;

  5. A typed, 200-400 word, personal statement describing one’s rationale for pursuing an MAT and how this degree will help you achieve your professional goals.

  6. Evidence of completing 24 semester hours of coursework in the licensure area (liberal arts or secondary education with a concentration in English, social studies, mathematics, or comprehensive science);

  7. A professional resume or curriculum vitae.

  8. International Students also submit:

  • A satisfactory TOEFL score, unless English is the student’s native language or the language of college instruction.

  • Transcripts, certificates, and/or diplomas from any institution outside the United States. These must first be submitted to World Education Services (WES) for evaluation before being mailed to the School of Graduate Studies.  Application for WES evaluations may be found at www.WES.org. 

  • An official Statement of Financial Responsibility, along with a letter from the student’s or sponsor’s bank showing the amount to cover one year of graduate study. The Statement of Financial Responsibility must be translated into U.S. dollars and received directly from the applicant’s bank on official stationary.

  • All application materials should be in place at least 90-days in advance of the beginning of the semester.


When all documents have been received, they will be reviewed by the Admissions Office, who will then forward completed applications to the Graduate Council.  

The Graduate Council will review applicants and make a decision on each applicant’s admission status.  Students are notified of their admission status as soon as possible.  Due to the confidential nature of some of the items required for admission, Chowan University reserves the right to reject any applicant without stating a reason.

Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership

All applicants to the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (MOL) should submit the following to the Office of Graduate Admissions:

  1. A completed School of Graduate Studies application, online at www.chowan.edu/school-graduate-studies;

  2. A non-refundable application fee of $50.00, payable to Chowan University;

  3. An official transcript of all previous academic work beyond high school, to be sent directly from each institution attended;

  4. One letter of recommendation from a current or recent supervisor or faculty member that addresses your professional or academic abilities;

  5. A typed, 200-400 word, personal statement describing one’s rationale for pursuing a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership and how this degree will help you achieve your professional goals;

  6. A professional resume or curriculum vitae.

  7. International Students also submit:

  • A satisfactory TOEFL score, unless English is the student’s native language or the language of college instruction.

  • Transcripts, certificates, and/or diplomas from any institution outside the United States. These must first be submitted to World Education Services (WES) for evaluation before being mailed to the School of Graduate Studies.  Application for WES evaluations may be found at www.WES.org. 

  • An official Statement of Financial Responsibility, along with a letter from the student’s or sponsor’s bank showing the amount to cover one year of graduate study. The Statement of Financial Responsibility must be translated into U.S. dollars and received directly from the applicant’s bank on official stationary.

  • All application materials should be in place at least 90-days in advance of the beginning of the semester.


When all documents have been received, they will be reviewed by the Admissions Office, which will then forward completed applications to the Graduate Council.  

The Graduate Council will review applicants and make a decision on each applicant’s admission status.  Students are notified of their admission status as soon as possible.  Due to the confidential nature of some of the items required for admission, Chowan University reserves the right to reject any applicant without stating a reason.

Types of Graduate Admission Status

Admission for graduate study at Chowan University is granted in the following categories:


An applicant who meets all criteria for admission to the various Master’s degree programs may be granted full admission.  These requirements include the following:

  1. A Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution, with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of M.ED - 2.75, MAT -2.7 , MOL – 2.5.

  2. Satisfactory scores on the required standardized entry exam if applicable.

  3. Recommendations addressing potential for success in the program

Notifications of Full Admission will be communicated by the Dean of Graduate Studies.


If the admissions committee of a graduate program determines that an applicant has failed to meet any of the requirements for full admission, the committee may decide to extend the offer of provisional admission to that applicant. In this case, the admissions committee will communicate a list of conditions that must be satisfied within the first six hours of graduate work completed at Chowan University. Any exceptions to this “six-hour” rule must be approved by the graduate Program Coordinator at the time of the provisional acceptance decision and indicated in the letter of acceptance. Once the student meets these conditions, he or she will be granted full admission to graduate study at Chowan University. Notifications of Provisional Admission will be communicated by the Dean of Graduate Studies.


An applicant who wishes to take courses for professional and/or career enhancement as a non-degree seeker or who desires enrollment to Chowan University to take courses for transfer to the institution in which he or she is enrolled as a degree candidate may be admitted under special status. Non-degree seekers must submit a School of Graduate Studies application and official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions. Students seeking transfer hours must submit a School of Graduate Studies application and a letter from the Dean or the Program Coordinator in which she or he is regularly enrolled, indicating good standing. The Graduate Council will make admissions decisions concerning those seeking Special Admissions Status.

Online Limitations for F-1 (International) Students

The United States federal government imposes limitations on online course enrollment for F-1 (international) students.

In general, F-1 students may be eligible to take:

  • one 3-credit online course, or

  • one 4-credit online course in a 4-credit enrollment system

  • up to three credits total for 1-credit courses, i.e., three 1-credit courses, or one 2-credit course and one 1-credit course

Students must have on-ground presence throughout the whole academic term. The traditional format for courses is fully on-ground and meets the on-ground course requirements. Other formats such as Hybrid and live cast can meet on-ground requirements, but please note the following combinations are NOT acceptable for maintaining full time enrollment:

  • One online course + one live cast course

  • One online course + one live cast course

  • Two live cast courses

​It is important that students contact the Registrar before enrolling in online courses so that they can make an informed decision about their enrollment. 

Graduate Academic Policies and Regulations

System of Grades

The University uses the following grading system:

A Excellent
B Average
C Marginal
F Failing
P Passing
W Withdrawn
AU Audit
NG No Grade Reported
I Incomplete
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
IE Placement Examination
IC Institutional Credit

The grade of I is recorded only in the case of illness or emergency that results in the student not being able to complete work in a course. The assignment of an I must be approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for the completion of work. If the work is not completed before the end of the next semester, a grade of F is recorded for the course. A maximum of two grades of C may be counted towards a graduate degree.  The School of Graduate Studies does not assign the grade of D.

All grades are final after four months.

Grade Point Average

A student earns grade points as well as credit hours if the level of performance does not fall below that of a C. Students need a B or better average In order to graduate with a master’s degree at Chowan University. For the purpose of determining grade point average, each grade is given a numerical value:

A 4 grade points per credit hour
B 3 grade points per credit hour
C 2 grade points per credit hour
F 0 grade point per credit hour
I 0 grade point per credit hour

A semester grade point average is based on the classes in a given semester. A cumulative GPA includes all course work at Chowan University. To calculate your cumulative GPA:

  1. Multiply credit hours for each course by the quality point value for that course.

  2. Add the total quality points for all courses.

  3. Add the total credit hours for all courses attempted.

  4. Divide the total quality points earned by the total credit hours attempted.

Grade Reports

At the midterm, and at the end of each semester, grades are posted electronically via MyCU. Final grades are recorded in the permanent records of the Office of the Registrar.

Final Examination Policy

A final examination is to be given in all courses on the day and at the time scheduled. Rescheduling a final examination for a class requires permission from the Program Coordinator and the Dean of the School. If permission is granted, the faculty member cannot reschedule an exam in another final examination time slot. A faculty member may, with the approval of the Program Coordinator , substitute other forms of evaluation appropriate to the objectives of the course for the prescribed final examination in special circumstances. In this case, the Program Coordinator approves the action and informs the Dean of the School.

In rare cases, it may be necessary to reschedule a final examination for an individual student. The student must have permission from the Dean of the School to reschedule a final examination. Students with three or more examinations on the same day may appeal to the dean for such permission; in such cases, if necessary, the dean will assist the student in rescheduling. Students cannot use travel arrangements as justification for requesting exam time changes.

Registration and the Academic Year

Students are expected to register for courses on the designated days published in the class schedule and academic calendar. Registration includes academic advising, selection of courses, and payment of fees. Before preregistration or registration, each student must consult with his or her academic advisor on course selection. A student will not receive credit for any course for which registration has not been completed. It is the responsibility of the student, not the academic advisor, to ensure that all University graduation requirements are met. The graduate academic year is continuous and consists of two fifteen-week sessions (fall and spring) and one eight-week summer session.

Semester Hour Description

Chowan University is organized on a semester basis. When the term hour or credit is used, it refers to a semester hour credit. A semester hour is approximately one hour of class per week through one semester of about fifteen weeks. Exceptions include laboratory sections, applied lessons, and physical education classes. Semester hour credit also refers to how many credits a student receives at the end of the semester if the student satisfactorily completes the course.

Student Load

The normal academic load for a regular graduate student is six (6) to nine (9) credit hours. No student may carry more than nine (9) credit hours except with special permission from the Dean of Graduate Studies.  No student is permitted to live in university housing unless he or she is enrolled in and maintains enrollment in at least six (6) to nine (9) credit hours. 

Dropping or Adding Classes

With the approval of the professor, a student may add courses during the first week of each semester.

A course may be dropped during the first three weeks of the semester without academic record.

Classes may be dropped without academic penalty until one week after the midterm grading period. That last date for dropping a course without penalty is listed in the University calendar. The student’s transcript will reflect a W if the class is dropped during this period.

Exceptions to this policy include the following: excessive absences, academic dishonesty, classroom misconduct, and failure to complete work. If a grade of F is reported for one of these offenses prior to the last day for dropping a class, the grade of F stands.

Withdrawal from a course after the official drop period or an unofficial withdrawal will result in a grade of F.

Under extenuating circumstances, a student may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs in order to withdraw officially from a course and receive a grade of W for the course. See the Withdrawal Policy below.

Courses may be dropped in the first week by advisor only.

The procedure for dropping or adding classes after the first week is as follows:

  1. Obtain a Drop/Add form from the advisor.

  2. Get the advisor’s approval and electronic signature on the form.

  3. Get the approval and electronic signature of the professor(s) involved in the change.

  4. Submit the form to the Office of the Registrar.

  5. Students dropping below full-time status must obtain additional signatures as provided on the Drop/Add form under instructions.

Withdrawal Policy

A student who finds it necessary to withdraw from the University must initiate an official withdrawal process in the Office of Academic Success. Honorable dismissal will not be granted without official withdrawal. Students who withdraw from the University during the first three weeks of the semester will have no record of the courses taken.

It is the policy of Chowan University to facilitate the withdrawal from the University and later readmission of all students who are called to military active duty or deployment during a semester. Students called to military active duty or deployment during a semester may receive an I in each course for which they are currently enrolled and in good standing. These students have until the end of the first full semester following the end of their active duty or deployment to complete work in each course and receive a final grade. If course work is not completed within this time frame, the incomplete grade will become an F for the semester. A semester interrupted by a call to military active duty or deployment will not count as a semester for purposes of determining satisfactory academic progress until the time limit for completing course work specified above has expired.

Students who withdraw from the University after the first three weeks of the semester and up to one week after mid-term will receive a W, and credit hours will not be counted as work attempted. Students who withdraw during the period from one week after mid-term until the end of the term will receive a grade of F in each course they have not received a final grade, and the credit hours will count as work attempted for GPA calculation.

Exceptions to this policy may be made for any of the following reasons:

  • Illness of the student or illness in the family that requires the attention of the student. In either case, a physician’s certificate must be presented and approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

  • Death of a member of the student’s immediate family.

  • Other extenuating circumstances approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

If any of these exceptions apply, official documentation must be received in the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs no later than fourteen (14) days from withdrawal. If any of these exceptions apply, the student will receive a grade of W, and credit hours will not be counted as work attempted for GPA calculation.

For information concerning refunds at withdrawal, see the Institutional Charge Reduction Policy

Residential students who withdraw must evacuate campus within 24 hours of processing forms unless otherwise allowed by Residence Life.

Transcript Requests

Upon request, students are entitled to one free copy of their transcripts. For additional copies, there is a fee of $5.00 each. No transcript will be released if the student has outstanding financial obligations to the University. All transcripts ordered via third-party electronic services require a $5.00 fee. Transcript orders are typically fulfilled within two business days. Exceptions are end of term, pending final grades, holidays, and school breaks.

Student Records

Chowan University has an established policy concerning the availability of student records. This policy complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. The Act, with which the University intends to comply fully, was designed to protect the privacy of educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data. The Chowan University policy on the availability of students’ educational records is as found under FERPA.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records at Chowan University. These rights transfer to the student, or former student, once he or she becomes an “eligible student” by beginning to attend Chowan University.

  • Eligible Students have the right to inspect and review all of their education records maintained by the university. This right may be exercised by making a written or verbal request to the Registrar. The university generally is not required to provide copies of materials in the education record; it may charge a fee for copies.

  • Eligible Students have the right to request that the university correct records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. This right may be exercised by making a written request to the Registrar. If the university decides not to amend the record, the Eligible Student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the university still decides not to amend the record, the Eligible Student has the right to place a statement with the record commenting on the contested information.

  • Generally, the university must have written permission from the Eligible Student before releasing any information from the student’s record. However, the law allows the university to disclose records, without consent, to the following parties:

    • Either or both parents of a dependent student, as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (Payment of tuition is not sufficient proof that a student is a dependent.)

    • University officials who have a legitimate educational interest as determined by university policy and administered by the Registrar (see Definitions below).

    • Other schools or universities to which a student is transferring.

    • Certain government officials in order to carry out lawful functions.

    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student.

    • Organizations conducting certain studies for the university.

    • Accrediting organizations.

    • Individuals who have obtained court orders or subpoenas.

    • Persons who need to know in cases of health and safety emergencies.

    • State and local authorities within a juvenile justice system.

  • The university may also disclose, without consent, “directory information.” The university considers the following items to be directory information: name, class, photograph(s), full-time or half-time status, hometown and state, university email address, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, degrees, honors and awards, and dates of attendance.

  • An Eligible Student may notify the university in writing that the university may not release any or all of the information categorized as directory information without prior consent. This notice must be given annually, and must be received by the Registrar’s office before the end of the first week of the academic year.

  • An Eligible Student may notify the university in writing at any time during a given academic year that his/her email address should not be listed in the university’s public access email directory. Such notification shall remain in effect until the beginning of the next academic year.

  • Eligible Students may file a complaint with the Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the university to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

University Official: a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a company with whom the university has contracted, e.g., attorney, auditor, collection agent; a member of the Board of Trustees or Board of Visitors; a student employee; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

Legitimate Educational Interest: A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.


The University’s annual Commencement Ceremony is held in the Hawks Athletic Center Arena at the end of the spring semester. Commencement is open to students who completed their requirements during the current academic year. A student is invited to participate in the Commencement Ceremony only if he or she has completed all requirements for the degree and has a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

All degree-seeking students must meet three Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards in order to maintain eligibility for continued enrollment. The standards include cumulative grade point, completion rate, and maximum timeframe for completion of a degree.

The Office of the Provost will review SAP at the end of each semester. This allows the University to counsel the student on ways to remain in good standing for satisfactory academic progress. Students not meeting one or more of SAP standards are notified at the conclusion of each term by the Office of Provost. Students admitted, or readmitted in good standing, must meet SAP standards at the end of their following term. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

  1. Grade Point Average (GPA) Standard (Qualitative)

In order to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, students must earn at least the minimum cumulative GPA as reflected below:

Academic Year 1 2 3 4+
Cumulative GPA 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
  • A grade of I (Incomplete) is not included in determining the cumulative GPA.

  • A grade of W (Withdrawal) is not included in determining the cumulative GPA.

  • All accepted transfer credit hours on official transcripts are not included in determining the cumulative GPA.

  • Coursework in which a student has exercised the repeat option is not included in determining the cumulative GPA.

  • SAP for readmitted students will be calculated on cumulative GPA, to include all previous coursework taken at the University.

A cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted.

  1. Pace of Completion Standard (Quantitative)

In order to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, students must progress toward completion of their degree by meeting the minimum completion rate as reflected below:

Academic Year 1 2 3 4 5+
Completion Rate 60% 67% 67% 67% 67%
  • A grade of I (Incomplete) is not included in determining attempted hours.

  • A grade of W (Withdrawal) is included in determining attempted hours.

  • All accepted transfer credit hours on official transcripts are included in determining attempted and completed hours.

  • Coursework in which a student has exercised the repeat option is included in determining attempted and completed hours.

  • Hours attempted for readmitted students will include cumulative hours attempted for Pace of Completion calculations, to include all previous coursework taken at the University.

  • Only transfer hours that have been accepted into the Chowan degree program will be used to calculate SAP.

The completion rate is calculated by dividing the number of credit hours a student has successfully completed by the number of credit hours a student has attempted.

  1. Maximum Timeframe Standard

In addition to meeting GPA and completion rate standards, students must complete their degree within the maximum timeframe of 150% of the published length of the academic program. The maximum includes all hours attempted or completed, including withdrawals, repeats, incompletes, and transfer credit hours.

To calculate the number of hours for financial aid eligibility, multiple the number of hours required for a degree plan by 150%. The total is the maximum hours allowed for financial aid.

Hours attempted for readmitted students will include cumulative hours attempted for Maximum Timeframe Standard calculations, to include all previous coursework taken at the University.

Failure to Make Satisfactory Academic Progress

  1. Academic Probation

When a student fails to meet one or more of SAP standards the student is placed on academic probation.

  1. Academic Suspension

When a student fails to meet one or more of SAP standards at the end of the semester on academic probation, the student is academically suspended and is assigned the status of Not Meeting SAP. Academic suspension can be appealed (see Appeal Process below). Students who are suspended at the end of the semester will be notified by Chowan email from the Registrar’s Office at the end of the semester.  

  1. Appeal Process

If a student fails to make SAP at the end of each semester, the student may file an appeal for reinstatement of continued enrollment. The appeal must be based on mitigating circumstances, which include:

  • Serious injury of the student and/or the student’s immediate family

  • Serious extended illness of the student and/or the student’s immediate family

  • Death of the student’s relative

  • Other special circumstances

The student must submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form, which includes a written statement with supporting documentation to the Office of Academic Success, which will develop an academic plan to include in the appeal. Students placed on academic suspension will receive instructions for filing an appeal by email from the Registrar’s Office at the end of each semester. The deadline for SAP appeals is one week prior to the start of the following semester.

The Graduate Council will review the student’s appeal. If the appeal is granted, the student will be placed on academic probation for one term. The student must follow an academic plan approved by the Graduate Council (see Academic Plan below). Students will be notified of appeal decisions by email from the Office of the Provost.

The maximum number of appeals a student may normally have granted during the total of all his or her enrollment periods at Chowan University is two. 

Academic Plan

A student who is placed on academic suspension and assigned the status of Not Meeting SAP must submit an appeal for reinstatement of continued enrollment (see Appeal Process above). As part of the appeal, the student must submit the Academic Plan Form, which must be completed with the assistance of an academic advisor. The plan must outline the progress the student will need to obtain in order to meet SAP standards. The plan must demonstrate the student can meet SAP standards within two enrollment periods.

The Graduate Council will review the student’s progress at the end of the next enrollment period. If the student meets SAP standards, academic probation will be removed. If the student does not meet SAP standards, but is meeting the requirements of the academic plan, the student is eligible for continued enrollment for one additional enrollment period and will remain on academic probation. If the student is not meeting the requirements of the academic plan at the end of the first period of enrollment or fails to meet SAP standards at the end of the second period of enrollment, the student will be assigned the status of Not Meeting SAP, resulting in academic suspension. Students will be notified of academic plan reviews by email from the Office of the Provost.

Academic plans prepared for students readmitting in a spring semester will cover a three-semester period.

Maximum Timeframe Appeal

A student who exceeds the maximum hours allowed for continued enrollment must follow the appeal process outlined above. However, there is no warning status for this standard. In addition to the mitigating circumstances listed under the appeal process, a change of major may be provided as a reason for an appeal, but the number and timing of changes of major will be taken under consideration during an appeal review.


Former students who have been suspended for academic reasons may seek readmission by 1) following the steps outlined under the Readmission for Former Students section of this catalog and 2) submitting a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form and all required documentation and paperwork to the Office of Admissions. Admissions will forward the form to the Office of the Provost for action. No student may gain readmission under this option more than once.

Tips to Help Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Visit your academic advisor and professors regularly.

  • Utilize Academic Success, the Writing Center, Tutoring, and/or Disability Services.

  • Develop an academic plan with your academic advisor.

  • Monitor your academic progress.

  • Attend class, complete assignments by deadlines, and study.

More information about Satisfactory Academic Progress standards for financial aid can be viewed by clicking here.

Academic Standing

Any student who meets all Satisfactory Academic Progress standards is determined to be in good academic standing.

Academic Probation

Academic probation is a status assigned to a student who fails to meet one or more SAP standards, and is allowed continued enrollment for one enrollment period.

Academic Suspension

Students on Academic Probation who fail to meet the criteria for Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of the academic semester will be academically suspended from the University. Students under academic suspension may seek to regain eligibility for continued enrollment by appeal. For information on appealing, see Satisfactory Academic Progress above.

Academic Amnesty 

Students who attended the University more than 2 calendar years prior to reenrollment may apply for Academic Amnesty. Application for amnesty may be submitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies during the readmission process or at any time after the student has been readmitted. Academic Amnesty removes grades of F from cumulative GPA calculations and course hours from hours attempted for Satisfactory Academic Progress calculations. Courses with grades of C or better will be retained. Repeat course options are disallowed for forgiven courses. Academic transcripts will identify courses under amnesty as forgiven. Individual transcript notes from previous warnings, probations, or suspensions will remain on transcripts.

Course Repeat Policy

Repeating courses for credit is permissible and, in some cases, required, as when a student fails or makes a C or F in a course. Cumulative credit hours attempted and quality points earned include each attempt of a course unless the student exercises a repeat course option as specified below. Credit hours earned by repeating a course will be counted toward satisfactory academic progress and degree requirements only one time. The last grade earned becomes the official grade for the course. Transcripts record all grades; the grade for a repeated course will have an R beside it.

After successfully completing a course, a “repeat course option” is exercised to have the hours attempted and quality points earned in a previous attempt of that course excluded from the calculation of their cumulative GPA (Note: A Federal regulation requires repeated courses to be counted as hours attempted when determining course completion rate. See Satisfactory Academic Progress above). This option may be exercised a maximum of two times in the course of a student’s graduate career, for a maximum of 6 credits. The original grade will still appear on the student’s transcript, marked by the addition of an asterisk (*).

Federal regulation limits the number of times a student may repeat a course and receive financial aid for that course. For more information, see the Financial Aid section of this catalog.

State Authorization Compliance

Federal and state regulations require that all institutions of higher education comply with existing state laws regarding distance learning. Chowan works with the regulatory agencies in each state and United States Territories to seek authorizations, exemptions or permissions to continue to offer distance education programs, courses and certificate programs to residents who wish to enroll in our distance learning education programs. For more information on compliance and/or to file a complaint, click here.

Credit Hour Policy

A credit hour represents the amount of work governed by intended and clearly identified learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that approximates one hour (or 50 minutes) of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours for undergraduate or three hours for graduate of out-of-class student work each week for a sixteen-week term, or the equivalent amount of work over an enrollment period of a different length.

The credit hour policy applies to all courses at all levels (undergraduate and graduate) that award academic credit (i.e., any course that appears on an official transcript issued by the university). Contact time inside the classroom and student effort outside the classroom is the same in all formats of a course whether it be fully online, a hybrid of face-to-face contact with some content delivered by electronic means, or one delivered in lecture format. Courses that have less structured classroom schedules, such as online work, study abroad, research, guided study (directed or independent study), internships, practica, studio work, laboratory work, or any other academic work leading to the award of credit hours, at a minimum, must clearly state learning outcomes and workload expectations that meet the credit hour standards set forth by the university. Assignment of credit hours for courses occur during program/course approval processes and is monitored through faculty, curriculum, syllabi, and program reviews established by the university.

Chowan University adheres to the Carnegie unit for contact time (750 minutes for each credit awarded). The standard meeting times for courses are a 50-minute, Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule and a 75-minute, Tuesday-Thursday schedule. For the standard three-credit hour course, 2,250 minutes of instruction are required. The calendar is planned with a minimum of 42 Monday-Wednesday-Friday meeting days and 28 Tuesday-Thursday meeting days. A mandatory final examination period is counted in the minutes of instruction. The university has a required two hour and thirty minutes final examination policy that adds an additional 150 minutes of instruction, resulting in a minimum of 2,250 minutes of instruction for every planned term. The calculation for summer sessions follows this same standard of 750 contact minutes for each unit of credit, which means longer class meeting times over the course of the summer term.

Class Attendance Policy 

The faculty and administration at Chowan University believe that class attendance is an important part of each student’s educational experience. Attendance policies may be established by each academic department of the University. The departmental attendance policy will be included in the syllabus of each course and will be distributed (physically or electronically) to students in the first class meeting. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the attendance policy for each course. What constitutes attendance in a distance education course will be specified in the syllabus. As a minimum, a student will be allowed to make up any work missed that was due to participation in a university-sponsored activity, illness, or emergency, when such absences are verified by the Office of the Registrar. Students must request an excused absence from the Office of the Registrar within seven (7) calendar days from their return to class from an illness or emergency. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed. Policy for completing make-up work due to excused absences is found in each course’s syllabus.

Before beginning any class, a student must officially register and satisfy all financial obligations to the university. The university reserves the right to deny admission to class to any student who has not registered or remitted full payment of tuition and fees.

Student Conduct Policy

All students are expected to behave in a mature and orderly manner. Disruptive and/or disorderly conduct will not be tolerated in any academic space of Chowan University. After appropriate warning, an instructor may dismiss from class or laboratory a student whose conduct is, in his or her opinion, disruptive. In the case of a grievous offense, a student may be dismissed without prior warning. Such students will not be permitted re-entry into the class until clearance is obtained from the faculty member, the appropriate Program Coordinator, the Dean of the School, and/or the Dean of Graduate Studies. Assignments scheduled during dismissal from class will be recorded as unexcused.

In a case involving serious disruptive behavior, the instructor and Program Coordinator may request a disciplinary hearing with the Dean of the School. If a student is found guilty of such an offense, the minimum penalty will be dismissal from the class in question with a grade of F, while the maximum penalty will be suspension from the University, depending on the gravity of the offense. A student may appeal the decision. The process for appealing is listed under Student Academic Appeals Procedures.

This policy applies to all academic areas of the campus, including virtual workspaces, the library, laboratories, offices, lobbies, hallways, and any areas temporarily defined as academic space, such as, but not limited to, the Jenkins Center, the Campus Green (Squirrel Park), and the Hawks Athletic Center.

Academic Integrity Policy

Chowan University is committed to the principles of academic integrity. Every member of the Chowan community is expected to uphold the Honor Code:

“As members of the Chowan University community, we demonstrate our commitment to justice and fairness by holding ourselves to the highest of standards, demanding academic integrity from all members of our campus culture.”

The faculty and administration of Chowan University view academic cheating as a serious matter that cannot be tolerated. Cheating refers to using or attempting to use unauthorized information during any academic pursuit. Fabrication, collusion, plagiarism, and unauthorized multiple submission of work are regarded as forms of cheating. Fabrication is regarded as the falsifying of information or citations. Collusion is interpreted as two or more students working together in order to practice dishonesty or deception. Plagiarism is the presentation of work (for example, words, concepts, ideas, or graphics) of another as his or her own work without properly citing the source. Unauthorized multiple submission of work is submitting the same work for multiple courses without prior approval. Assisting or attempting to assist another to cheat is considered academic cheating as well.

In the event a faculty member believes that a student has engaged in cheating and/or plagiarism, the teacher will submit the evidence to his/her Program Coordinator. If the Program Coordinator agrees that there is substantive evidence that cheating and/or plagiarism has occurred, the Program Coordinator will submit the evidence to the Dean of the School. If the Dean of the School finds that the evidence supports a charge of cheating and/or plagiarism, he or she will review the Academic Integrity Violation database housed in the Registrar’s Office and then impose a penalty based on that review using the following guidelines:

  • First Offense: Minimum penalty of an F for the course to a maximum penalty of suspension;

  • Second Offense: Minimum penalty of suspension to a maximum penalty of expulsion as recommended by the Dean of the School to the Dean of Graduate Studies; and

  • Third Offense: Minimum expulsion from the University as recommended by the Dean of the School to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

A student may appeal a guilty verdict (not the penalty) by the Dean of Graduate Studies. The process for appealing is listed under Student Academic Appeals Procedures. In the event that a penalty of suspension or expulsion is imposed, the student has the right to appeal the penalty (not the guilty verdict) to the President of the University.

All academic integrity incidents that result in a penalty imposed on a student shall be reported by the Dean of the School or, in the case of suspension or expulsion, by the Dean of Graduate Studies, to the Registrar. The Registrar will maintain a database of these incidents, and this database will represent the official record of the University. It is expected that the foregoing policy and procedure will be followed in all cases involving academic dishonesty.

Student Academic Appeals Procedures 

Academic Expectations

Chowan University protects the interests and rights of students by the procedures noted below. Students are obligated to exercise their rights with maturity and responsibility.

Student Rights

Students have the right to:

  • be informed of course requirements;

  • be evaluated fairly on the basis of their academic performance (their abilities and skills) as required by a professor as part of a course;

  • experience free and open discussion, inquiry, and expression, both in the classroom and in conference;

  • examine graded assignments, quizzes, examinations, etc., and be provided an explanation for a grade.

  • experience competent instruction and advisement;

  • take exception to the data or views presented and reserve judgment about matters of opinion;

  • expect protection against a professor’s improper disclosure of student’s views, beliefs, and political associations which may surface as a result of instructing or advising;

  • expect protection, through established procedures, against prejudicial or capricious evaluation.

Student Responsibilities

Students have the responsibility to:

  • know and follow academic requirements;

  • inquire about course requirements if they do not understand them or are in doubt about them;

  • maintain the standards of academic performance established for individual courses and for programs of study;

  • learn the content of any course of study;

  • act in accordance with commonly accepted standards of academic conduct;

  • initiate an investigation if they believe their academic rights have been violated.

Overview of Appeals

  • Academic Suspension - Appeals of academic suspension decisions are made directly to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  • Transfer Credits - Appeals of transfer credits are made through the Program Coordinator, Dean of the School, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in that order.

  • Graduation Requirements - Appeals of graduation requirements are made through the Program Coordinator, Dean of the School, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in that order.

  • Violation of the Class Attendance Policy - Appeals of penalties for excessive absences are made through the Program Coordinator, Dean of the School, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in that order.

  • Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy - Appeals of Academic Integrity Policy violations are made through the Program Coordinator, Dean of the School, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in that order.

  • Violation of the Classroom Conduct Policy - Appeals of penalties for classroom misconduct are made through the Program Coordinator, Dean of the School, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in that order.

  • Failure to Complete Work - A student dismissed from class with a grade of F for failure to complete work, may appeal the dismissal through the Program Coordinator, Dean of the School, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in that order.

  • Final Grade - A student has a right to appeal a grade if there is sufficient reason to believe that (1) a question of unfairness, rather than professional judgment, is involved, or (2) there was a clerical error or an error in the calculation of the grade. The student should first consult with the professor involved, and failing satisfactory resolution, Program Coordinator, Dean of the School, and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in that order. Furthermore, the student should be aware that, as in all grade changes, the Provost must approve grade changes resulting from an appeal. A grade appeal must be filed within four months of the end of the semester in which the grade was assigned.

Academic Appeals

These procedures should be used to appeal or resolve disputes concerning an academic grade or other academic decisions, including, but not limited to, graduation requirements, transfer credits, attendance, conduct, and failure to complete work. Appeals of academic dishonesty and academic suspension follow different procedures.

It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the appeals procedure at each step. It is recommended, but not required, that the student first arrange a conference to discuss the appeal with the faculty member whose action is addressed in the student’s appeal. If appeal of a final grade is pursued through Step 3, it is expected that, unless there are unusual circumstances, the request for a hearing will be submitted within 120 days from the last day of the semester in which the alleged violation arose. If the student fails to pursue the matter in the manner provided by this policy, after the conference with the Program Coordinator or the Dean of the School, the original academic decision will be final. The student should submit or bring to the various conferences and to the hearing all evidence on which he/she intends to rely. The following procedures outline the steps of the academic appeal. It is expected that all of the parties involved at each step of the appeals process will make a good faith effort to resolve the issues.

Step 1 - Program Coordinator 

In the event that a student feels he/she has not received adequate satisfaction from his/her discussion with the faculty involved or in the event that a student prefers not to discuss his/her concerns directly with the involved faculty, the student may arrange a conference to discuss the appeal with the Program Coordinator. The student must bring a completed copy of the Student Academic Appeals form to the meeting. This form is on file in the Registrar’s Office and is available on MyCU. If the Program Director is the involved faculty member, this step may be skipped.

Step 2 - Dean of the School

In the event the involved faculty member is the Program Coordinator, or in the event a student still feels aggrieved after consultation with the appropriate Program Coordinator, he/she may ask for a review by the appropriate Dean of the School. If the involved faculty member is the Dean of the School, this step may be skipped. The student must bring a completed copy of the Student Academic Appeals form to the meeting.

Step 3 - Appeals Committee

In the event the student is not satisfied with the results of the reviews by the Program Coordinator and the Dean of the School, he/she may ask for an appeals committee to be formed. This request must be in writing to the Dean of Graduate Studies. A copy of the Request for Appeals Committee form is available on MyCU. The committee, which will be appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies, will be comprised of three faculty members. If possible, the committee shall include a faculty member from the department of the involved faculty (other than the Program Coordinator/Dean). The committee shall interview the involved student and faculty member and any other individuals they feel are necessary. Based upon its findings, the committee will determine whether or not the appeal is dismissed or sustained. If the appeal is dismissed, the student shall be informed in writing by the Dean Of Graduate Studies of the reasons for dismissal and, if applicable, the penalty. If desired, the student may request an in-person meeting with the Dean Of Graduate Studies to understand the committee’s decision and penalty better; however, it must be understood that the decision of the committee is final. If the appeal is sustained, the Dean Of Graduate Studies will advise the student and negotiate a resolution of the matter with the involved faculty, Program Coordinator, and Dean of the School. The review by the above committee constitutes the final process in this appeal procedure. Note: In the event that a suspension penalty is imposed, the student has the right to appeal the penalty to the President of the University.

Appeal of Academic Dishonesty

A student may appeal the decision of the Dean of the School to the Dean of Graduate Studies. This request must be in writing to the Dean of Graduate Studies. A copy of the Request for Appeals Committee form is available on MyCU. If an appeal is filed, the Dean of Graduate Studies will appoint a committee of three faculty members, one of whom must be from the department in which the alleged infraction occurred (other than the Program Coordinator/ Dean of the School), to hear the case. The committee shall interview the involved student and faculty member and any other individuals they feel are necessary. The committee will render a decision of guilty or not guilty, and will forward to the Dean of Graduate Studies a recommended penalty in the event that the student is found to be guilty. If the verdict is guilty, the student shall be informed in writing by the Dean of Graduate Studies of the reasons for the verdict. If desired, the student may request an in-person meeting with the Dean of Graduate Studies. If the verdict is not guilty, the Dean of Graduate Studies will advise the student and negotiate a resolution of the matter with the involved faculty, Program Coordinator, and Dean of the School. The review by the above committee constitutes the final process in this appeal procedure. It is expected that the foregoing policy and procedure will be followed in all cases involving academic dishonesty. 

For Appeal of Academic Suspension, see Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Student Complaint Policy

Chowan University is committed to providing students with a means for sharing their concerns and officially registering complaints about any academic program, student service, or university process. The Student Complaint Form provides students with an avenue to submit a concern regarding any area on campus for which no other specific process exists. Any student who has an unresolved complaint with a faculty or staff member, another student or student group, or administrator has the right to file a written complaint without fear of prejudice of his or her status at the University. This form is not an appeal form, and, therefore, should NOT be used to submit complaints regarding academic penalties or student disciplinary actions. Students should follow the established appeal process as outlined in the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook. 

Student Complaint Form 

The form is also found on MyCU or from any office.


Students who are unable to resolve grievances personally with a member of the Chowan community may file a written complaint. Complaints may be submitted to any University Official who will submit the form to the appropriate Vice President.

Students who submit a complaint to any Chowan official via means other than the designated form should immediately be provided with the form.

This form is not an appeal form. Appeal of grades, financial penalties, or other disciplinary action should be submitted on the appropriate appeal form for that area.

Please note:

The complaint form is not used for Title IX complaints. Title IX complaints should be directed to the Title IX coordinator. Any complaint received that appears to be a Title IX complaint will be immediately forwarded to the Title IX coordinator.

Transfer Credits

Generally, courses taken at a regionally accredited college or university that are equivalent to courses offered at Chowan are accepted in transfer. The University accepts only graduate work on which the student has earned a grade of B or better. Only transfer hours that have been accepted into the Chowan degree program will be used to calculate SAP.  

If a transfer student attended a school that is not regionally accredited, the student must:

  1. Produce a syllabus for the course requested for transfer.

  2. Request the academic institution previously attended to submit a record of credentials for the teaching faculty member of the course requested for transfer.

Upon review of the above information by the Office of the Provost, the Provost’s Office will a) request additional information, b) deny transfer credit, or c) approve transfer credit. Should transfer credit be approved, the Office of the Provost will work with the Registrar to determine what the credit is equivalent to and how many credit hours are awarded. 

A student’s grade point average is based only on work attempted at Chowan University. A student may not transfer work from any other institution for the purpose of removing probation or suspension by improving the grade point average. Students successfully completing or failing a course at Chowan University may not receive credit for the course from another institution.

Currently enrolled Chowan students must obtain prior approval to transfer courses from other institutions. Requests to transfer courses should be submitted on an Approval to Transfer Courses to Chowan form, available on MyCU. Approval must be granted by the department chair or higher from every department for which transfer courses are requested. Students concurrently enrolled at other institutions may carry no more than nine (9) credit hours per semester in total. See also Student Load.

Transfer work from another institution may be accepted to remove probation or suspension by increasing cumulative credits earned only if the specific courses have been approved in writing in advance, using the currently approved Chowan University form. In the event a student on probation or suspension completes academic work elsewhere without prior approval, it will be accepted in transfer to Chowan only after they regain good academic standing at the University.  A maximum of 6 transfer credits can be applied towards a graduate degree.

Chowan University may award military veterans credit in transfer for a variety of formal military training and related experiences, including those recommended by the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI), the Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES), the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services (American Council on Education), and related programs. Contact the registrar for more information.

For additional information, students should contact the Registrar’s Office.