Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Requirements for Degrees

Requirements for a Baccalaureate Degree

In order to earn a baccalaureate degree from Chowan University, each student must pursue and complete a concentrated course of study in a major field. These requirements must be met in addition to the completion of the general education and additional requirements. Detailed requirements for each major program are listed with the appropriate department.

The Major and Minor

A major shall consist of no less than thirty (30) credit hours beyond the freshman level in a specific field. Requirements for each major are listed with the appropriate department. Registration of the intention to major with a particular department is required. A request is submitted to the chair of the department. The academic advising of all declared majors within a department is the responsibility of the chair. This responsibility may be delegated to any faculty member within that department.

A student may elect to complete more than one major. To do this the student must meet the requirements of each major. A student graduating with more than one major receives a degree for each major. In addition, the transcript denotes each major.

The university provides a number of minors for students who may desire such. A minor shall consist of no less than fifteen (15) credit hours and no more than twenty-four (24) credit hours in a specific major field of study. Requirements for each minor field are listed with the appropriate department. Advisement regarding minor requirements will be the responsibility of the department of the student’s major. Consultation with the chair of the minor is encouraged. Some programs may require students to have a minor. The minor cannot be in the same field of study as the major.

Other Requirements

  1. The student must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours of university level work. Some major fields may require significantly more than 120 credit hours.
  2. The student must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.00 on all university work attempted. Some programs may require a higher grade point average.
  3. The student must earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average on all courses in the major field. Some programs may require a C or better on all courses toward the major. In addition, some programs may require a higher grade point average average in courses toward the major.
  4. The student must complete at least one half of the credit hours required for graduation at a four-year institution. Normally, all credit hours must be completed at accredited institutions.
  5. The student must possess competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and use of computers. If at any point a student’s work demonstrates a lack of competence in any of these areas, he or she may be required to pursue prescribed remediation. In such cases, satisfactory remediation is required prior to graduation.
  6. A student who wishes to complete a degree from Chowan must complete the last twenty-five percent of the credit hours required for the degree in residence. At least twelve (12) credit hours at the upper level (exclusive of practicums, student teaching, internships, etc.) must be taken in residence. Note: Students completing the Biology-Chiropractic track are exempt from this requirement.
  7. No more than four (4) Physical Education activity credits may be applied to graduation. An exception may be allowed for the student majoring in Physical Education.
  8. A student must choose to meet the requirements of the catalog under which he or she entered or the current catalog, but may not use both interchangeably. Major and minor requirements must come from the same catalog. A student who has returned to Chowan after a break in enrollment of more than one semester must choose to meet the requirements of the catalog under which he or she was readmitted or the current catalog. The candidate must indicate on the application for graduation the catalog under which he or she intends to graduate.
  9. All degree candidates, including transfer students, are allowed six (6) years from the date of enrollment at the university to satisfy the curriculum requirements in effect at the time of enrollment. After six (6) years, the current requirements must be met.
  10. Any substitutions or changes in course requirements must be recommended by the department chair and approved by the School Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  11. The student is responsible for making official application for graduation to the Office of the Registrar. Application for graduation must be submitted to the Registrar no later than March 1.
  12. The student must discharge all financial obligations to the University, including graduation fee.
  13. The student must have the recommendation of the faculty and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Requirements for an Associate’s Degree

In order to earn an associate degree from Chowan University, each student must pursue and complete a concentrated course of study in a major field. These requirements must be met in addition to the completion of the general education and additional requirements. Detailed requirements for each major program are listed with the appropriate department.

The Major and Minor

A major shall consist of no less than fifteen (15) credit hours beyond the freshman level in a specific field. Requirements for each major are listed with the appropriate department. Registration of the intention to major with a particular department is required. A request is submitted to the chair of the department. The academic advising of all declared majors within a department is the responsibility of the chair. This responsibility may be delegated to any faculty member within that department.

A student may elect to complete more than one major. To do this the student must meet the requirements of each major. A student graduating with more than one major receives a degree for each major. In addition, the transcript denotes each major.

Other Requirements

  1. The student must complete a minimum of 60 credit hours of university level work. 
  2. The student must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.00 on all university work attempted. 
  3. The student must earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average on all courses in the major field. Some programs may require a C or better on all courses toward the major. 
  4. The student must possess competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and use of computers. If at any point a student’s work demonstrates a lack of competence in any of these areas, he or she may be required to pursue prescribed remediation. In such cases, satisfactory remediation is required prior to graduation.
  5. A student who wishes to complete a degree from Chowan must complete the last twenty-five percent of the credit hours required for the degree in residence. 
  6. No more than two (2) Physical Education activity credits may be applied to graduation. 
  7. A student must choose to meet the requirements of the catalog under which he or she entered or the current catalog, but may not use both interchangeably. A student who has returned to Chowan after a break in enrollment of more than one semester must choose to meet the requirements of the catalog under which he or she was readmitted or the current catalog. The candidate must indicate on the application for graduation the catalog under which he or she intends to graduate.
  8. All degree candidates, including transfer students, are allowed six (6) years from the date of enrollment at the university to satisfy the curriculum requirements in effect at the time of enrollment. After six (6) years, the current requirements must be met.
  9. Any substitutions or changes in course requirements must be recommended by the department chair and approved by the School Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  10. The student is responsible for making official application for graduation to the Office of the Registrar. Application for graduation must be submitted to the Registrar no later than March 1.
  11. The student must discharge all financial obligations to the University, including graduation fee.
  12. The student must have the recommendation of the faculty and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Requirements for a Master’s Degree

In order to earn an master’s degree from Chowan University, a student must pursue and complete a concentrated course of study in a major field. Detailed requirements for each major program are listed with the appropriate department.

Other Requirements 

  1. The student must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate level work. Some graduate programs may require significantly more than 30 credit hours.
  2. The student must earn a minimum grade point average of 3.00 on all graduate work attempted. Some programs may require a higher GPA.
  3. A student who wishes to complete a graduate degree from Chowan University must complete a mimum of twenty-four credit hours at Chowan and must complete the last twenty-five percent of the credit hours required for the degree in residence.
  4. A student must choose to meet the requirements of the catalog under which he or she entered or the catalog in effect at the time of graduation, but may not use both interchangeably. A student who has returned to Chowan after a break in enrollment of more than one semester must choose to meet the requirements of the catalog under which he or she was readmitted or the catalog in effect at the time of graduation. The candidate must indicate on the application for graduation the catalog under which he or she intends to graduate.
  5. All degree candidates, including transfer students, are allowed six (6) years from the date of enrollment at the University to satisfy the curriculum requirements in effect at the time of enrollment. After six (6) years, the current requirements must be met.
  6. Any substitutions or changes in course requirements must be recommended by the department chair and approved by the Dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  7. The student is responsible for making official application for graduation to the Office of the Registrar. Application for graduation must be submitted to the Registrar no later than March 1.
  8. The student must discharge all financial obligations to the University, including graduation fee.
  9. The student must have the recommendation of the faculty and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Student Responsibility

Responsibility for knowing and following academic program requirements rests with the student. Academic requirements are specified for each degree program at Chowan University and these must be met before a degree is granted. Advisors, assigned to assist students in their progress toward degree completion, department chairs, and appropriate administrators will provide specific information concerning these requirements, but the student alone is responsible for fulfilling them.