Sep 13, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs



Chowan University is strongly committed to educating the total person: mind, body, and spirit. Student activities and residence life complement the student’s classroom experiences and lead to one’s personal growth and development. Campus life enables each student to develop social and interpersonal skills, foster leadership skills, cultivate sound ethical and moral principles, deepen spiritual commitments, formulate a philosophy of life, and explore career opportunities.

The University encourages and supports student life through a variety of student services provided by trained professionals in the Department of Student Affairs. The department consists of the following areas: Student Life, Counseling, Campus Ministry, Wellness Center, Public Safety, Residence Life, and Recreation and Intramurals. In addition to the Department of Student Affairs several other university departments sponsor programs that enhance the quality of student life at Chowan.

Car Registration

All students are permitted to have vehicles on campus. All motor vehicles operated on campus by Chowan students must be registered with the Public Safety Department during the first week of each semester. Vehicles arriving after this time must be registered immediately.

Community Service

To complement a well-rounded education, students are strongly encouraged to get involved in any of the numerous off-campus community service opportunities. Student involvement is welcomed by the local community. The Ministers to the University coordinate many of these efforts, others are coordinated through academic departments or student organizations.

Commuter Student Services

A variety of programs are planned throughout the year to meet the unique needs of those who commute to campus each day and to assist them in becoming a part of the total campus community. The campus food service offers a special meal plan for commuting students. Commuting students are encouraged to become involved in all aspects of campus life.


The University provides Counseling Services with the mission to promote student growth and development as they adjust to the demands of college life. Chowan provides individual and group sessions to support students in everyday challenges that may have a negative impact on their academic and personal success. Counseling is a confidential clinical relationship between the counselor and the student. Students and counselors explore numerous therapeutic methods to aid in the emotional and psychological well-being of students. We offer a wide range of services including:

  • Crisis intervention
  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Substance abuse counseling and education
  • Psycho-education
  • Sexual assault advocacy

Title IX

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

                                                                                                                 - Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 to the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Consistent with federal law and its own Christian mission, Chowan University does not discriminate, nor tolerate discrimination, on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, veteran status, or disability.



Chowan University strives to provide an environment that is fully conducive to learning and intellectual pursuit within a Christian context. The University therefore condemns all forms of sexual discrimination as being inconsistent with its mission. Chowan University, as a Christian institution of higher education affirms its moral commitment to the dignity and worth of all individuals.

Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 states that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Sexual violence and harassment are forms of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

Chowan’s policies prohibiting sexual violence and sexual harassment (“sexual misconduct”) are not only legal responsibilities with practical applicability, they stem from the University’s historical and continuing commitment to Christian and moral values. Chowan University takes seriously every allegation or report of sexual misconduct it receives. The University’s response is intended to assure that all parties involved are treated fairly, that victims receive appropriate support, and that allegations of sexual misconduct are handled in a prompt, thorough and equitable manner.


All members of the Chowan University community (students, faculty, and staff) are protected by and are responsible to adhere to the Sexual Misconduct Policy. This policy applies to any instance in which a member of the Chowan University community becomes a victim of or is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct. The Sexual Misconduct Policy applies to all conduct that impacts the educational environment, regardless of whether it takes place on or off campus and regardless of the gender or sexual orientation of the individuals involved. Sexual misconduct committed electronically or via social media is included in this policy and is strictly prohibited by Chowan University.

Chowan University defines sexual misconduct to include:

  • Sexual harassment – unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or other verbal or nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Gender-based harassment – unwelcome conduct of a nonsexual nature based on a student’s actual or perceived sex, including conduct based on gender identity, gender expression, and nonconformity with gender stereotypes.
  • Sexual violence (assault) – actual or attempted sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent. Sexual assault includes, but is not limited to: Intentional touching of another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent;
    • Other intentional sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent;
    • Coercing, forcing, or attempting to coerce or force a person to touch another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent;
    • Rape, which is penetration, no matter how slight, of (1) the vagina or anus of a person by any body part of another person or by an object, or (2) the mouth of a person by a sex organ of another person, without that person’s consent.
  • Sexual exploitation – a person takes sexual advantage of another person (victim) for the benefit of anyone other than the victim without the victim’s consent. Examples of behavior that could rise to the level of sexual exploitation include:
    • Prostituting another person;
    • Recording images (e.g., video, photograph) or audio of another person’s sexual activity, intimate body parts, or nakedness without that person’s consent;
    • Distributing images (e.g., video, photograph) or audio of another person’s sexual activity, intimate body parts, or nakedness, if the individual distributing the images or audio knows or should have known that the person depicted in the images or audio did not consent to such disclosure and objects to such disclosure; and,
    • Viewing another person’s sexual activity, intimate body parts, or nakedness in a place where that person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy, without that person’s consent, and for the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire.
  • Relationship violence – committing an act of violence (including but not limited to, pushing, hitting, striking, using a weapon) against another person in the context of a dating, cohabitation or marriage relationship.
  • Sex/gender-based stalking – engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his/her safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress.

Definition of Affirmative Consent

For purposes of applicability to Title IX only, affirmative consent between individuals engaging in sexual activity is defined as “informed, freely and affirmatively communicated willingness to participate in sexual activity that is expressed by clear and unambiguous words or actions.” Clear and unambiguous words or actions are those that are freely and actively given by informed individuals that a reasonable person in the circumstances would believe communicate a willingness to participate in a mutually agreed upon sexual activity.

The following factors will be considered when determining consent:

  • It is the responsibility of each person who wishes to engage in the sexual activity to obtain consent.
  • A lack of protest, the absence of resistance and silence do not indicate consent.
  • The existence of a present or past dating or romantic relationship does not imply consent to future sexual activity.
  • Consent must be present throughout the sexual activity and may be initially given, but withdrawn at any time.
  • When consent is withdrawn, all sexual activity must stop. Likewise, where there is confusion about the state of consent, sexual activity must stop until both parties consent again.
  • Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.
  • Consent is not obtained where:
    • There is physical force, threats, intimidation or coercion.
    • There is incapacitation due to the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    • There is the inability to communicate because of a physical or mental condition.
    • An individual is asleep, unconscious or involuntarily physically restrained.
    • An individual is unable to understand the nature or extent of the sexual situation because of mental or physical incapacitation or impairment.
    • One party is not of legal age to give consent.

Report for Support

Chowan University strongly encourages any victim of sexual misconduct to report such misconduct to the University.  Whether or not the victim intends to pursue disciplinary action against the accused, Chowan University places the highest importance on providing victims with support in responding to the incident. The University strives to end all forms of discrimination, prevent their reoccurrence, and remedy their effects both on individual victims and the larger University community. Retaliation and intimidation, whether by the accused or third parties, are prohibited and are considered violations of this policy.

Title IX Coordinator

Chowan University has designated a Title IX Coordinator to oversee the University’s compliance with and response to instances of sexual misconduct.  The Title IX Coordinator is:

Alan Scott
Marks Hall 213

The Office of the Title IX Coordinator investigates incidents, coordinates support for victims, and may make initial disciplinary determinations when formal disciplinary proceedings are instituted in response to an allegation of sexual misconduct.

In addition to contacting the Title IX Coordinator, victims of sexual assault and of dating or domestic violence should immediately call Chowan University Public Safety at 252-398-1234 (if the assault took place on campus) or local law enforcement at 911. Victims are strongly encouraged to seek immediate medical attention as well. Please seek medical attention prior to bathing or changing clothes to avoid destruction of evidence.


There are many ways to report an alleged incident(s) of sexual misconduct.  You may submit the Title IX Discrimination Complaint Form by email to, by campus or US mail, or bring it to the office of the Title IX Coordinator, Marks 212B.  If you are unable for any reason to complete this form and would like to make a verbal complaint, please call the Title IX Coordinator at 252-398-6437.  Upon receiving a call, the Title IX Coordinator will be in touch.  Please use the reporting method with which you are most comfortable.


This policy refers to the individual who is the alleged victim of the behavior(s) in question as the “complainant” and the student alleged to have committed the violation of the policy as the “respondent”.  Both the complainant and the respondent will be treated fairly and with respect throughout the process.

Time Frames

The university’s overall goal is to resolve complaints under this policy within 60 calendar days from receipt of a report.   An investigation typically takes 10 to 30 days to complete. Generally, within 14 days after completion of an investigation (during which time the Title IX Coordinator may be seeking clarifying information and/or meeting with a complainant, respondent, or others), a hearing, if applicable, is scheduled. 

Circumstances may require extensions of this overall 60-day time frame or any individual time frame discussed in this policy. The University reserves the right to extend these time frames in its sole discretion. Examples of reasons why time frames may need to be extended include the complexity of the case, delays due to fall/spring/summer/holiday breaks, inclement weather, and other extenuating circumstances. Exceptions to these time frames will be communicated to the complainant and respondent. 


Chowan University strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual for reporting, providing information, exercising one’s rights or responsibilities, or otherwise being involved in the process of responding to, investigating, or addressing allegations of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence.  Therefore, any retaliation, intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any such individual, undertaken or attempted either directly or by third parties, will be addressed in the most serious way by Chowan University.  Individuals who engage in such actions are subject to discipline up to and including suspension, expulsion, or dismissal from the University, consistent with University procedure.   Anyone who is aware of possible retaliation or has other concerns regarding the response to a complaint of sexual misconduct should report such concerns to the Title IX Coordinator, who will take appropriate action(s) to address such conduct in a prompt and equitable manner.

Title IX Complaint Form

The Title IX Complaint Form can be submitted electronically here, or printed and submitted here

Do not use this form to report events presenting an immediate threat. If you require emergency assistance, please contact Public Safety at 252-398-1234 or call 911.

Alan Scott
Marks Hall 213

This form is designed to provide Chowan University students, faculty, staff, and visitors with a method to report specific information related to an alleged incident(s) of discrimination, harassment (including sexual misconduct), or retaliation. To file this form, please complete and email, mail, or bring it to the office listed above.  If you are unable for any reason to complete this form and would like to make a verbal complaint or send a complaint via email, please use the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information listed above. The University treats all information with sensitivity and discretion. However, the University has an obligation to assess all reports of sexual misconduct, and doing so may require the dissemination of some information. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator if you have any questions regarding the process for filing or investigation of complaints.

Student Complaints

Chowan University is committed to providing students with a means for sharing their concerns and officially registering complaints about any academic program, student service, or university process. The Student Complaint Form provides students with an avenue to submit a concern regarding any area on campus for which no other specific process exists. This form is not an appeal form, and, therefore, should NOT be used to submit complaints regarding academic penalties or student disciplinary actions. Students should follow the established appeal process as outlined in the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook. In addition, a student who wishes to file a Title IX complaint should request the Title IX Complaint Form.

Food Services

The primary dining location for Chowan University is Thomas Dining Hall with additional food service available in the newly expanded Murf’s (Snack Bar) in the Hawks Nest. Chowan University’s food services are provided by Pioneer College Caterers, Inc. which employs all members of the food services staff. The Food Service Director and his staff work to provide wholesome and interesting menus. A food committee, comprised of students appointed by the Student Government Association, meets with the Food Service Director on a regular basis. The committee provides suggestions on the enhancement to the food service program and serves as a communication conduit to the student body.

All resident students are required to participate in the Boarding (Meal) Plan. A number of Boarding Plan Options are available for students to select. Each plan offers students choices in meals and dining locations. For more information on Boarding Plan Options, please refer to the “Finances and Financial Aid ” section of the Catalog.

Health Service

The Wellness Center is operated as a first aid and initial treatment outpatient facility. The Wellness Center is staffed by a registered nurse. A physician is available to students at an off campus clinic. The cost of any prescriptions or the cost of seeing a physician off campus is the responsibility of the student. There is a charge for any immunization required. Allergy shots may be given at a minimal charge, but arrangements should be made in advance. The University maintains a close relationship with Vidant Roanoke-Chowan Hospital located in Ahoskie, NC and emergency medical technicians are available at all hours. Students with serious illness or contagious disease are best served at home or in the hospital. No hospital or quarantine facilities are available on campus.


The University requires each full-time student to maintain a personal health policy. International students are required to purchase hospitalization insurance before registering for classes.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Chowan University is an NCAA Division II, Conference Carolinas, and CIAA (affiliate member) institution sponsoring 19 varsity programs and a co-ed cheerleading program.

NCAA Division II Philosophy

Members of NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Division II believe that a well-conducted intercollegiate athletics program, based on sound educational principles and practices, is a proper part of the educational mission of a university or college and that the educational welfare of the participating student-athlete is of primary concern.

Members support the following principles in the belief that these objectives assist in defining the division and the possible differences between it and other divisions of the Association.

A member of NCAA Division II:

  1. Believes in promoting the academic success of its student-athletes, measured in part by an institution’s student-athletes graduating at least at the same rate as the institutions student body;
  2. Believes that participation in intercollegiate athletics benefits the educational experience of its student-athletes and the entire campus community;
  3. Believes in offering opportunities for intercollegiate athletics participation consistent with the institution’s mission and philosophy;
  4. Believes in preparing student-athletes to be good citizens, leaders and contributors in their communities;
  5. Believes in striving for equitable participation and competitive excellence, encouraging sportsmanship and ethical conduct, enhancing diversity and developing positive societal attitudes in all of its athletics endeavors;
  6. Believes in scheduling the majority of its athletics competition with other members of NCAA Division II, insofar as regional qualification, geographical location and traditional or conference scheduling patterns permit;
  7. Recognizes the need to “balance” the role of the athletics program to serve both the campus (participants, student body, faculty-staff) and the general public (community, area, state);
  8. Believes in offering opportunity for participation in intercollegiate athletics by awarding athletically related financial aid to its student-athletes;
  9. Believes that institutional control is a fundamental principle that supports the educational mission of a NCAA Division II institution and assumes presidential involvement and commitment. The institution should control all funds supporting athletics. The emphasis for an athletics department should be to operate within an institutionally approved budget and compliance with self-enforcement of NCAA regulations is an expectation of membership;
  10. Believes that all members of NCAA Division II should commit themselves to this philosophy and to the regulations and programs of NCAA Division II;
  11. Many NCAA Division II student-athletes pay for school through a combination of scholarship money, grants, student loans and employment earnings.

Athletic Department Philosophy

The program of intercollegiate athletics is and will be administered in accordance with a statement of philosophy, which is consistent with the purpose and goals of the University, the NCAA, the CIAA, and Conference Carolinas.

The Chowan University Athletic Department seeks to provide an environment for student-athlete development that supports the pursuit of the highest level of success both athletically and academically. The Chowan University Athletic Department is committed to fostering an environment that is anchored in teaching, serving, competing, and exceling on and off the field.

The intercollegiate athletic program at Chowan University endeavors to contribute to the total education of each individual student by providing a disciplined teaching/learning experience outside the classroom. The athletic program strives to provide an environment of wholesome competition to assist in the development of responsible citizens. The athletic experience seeks to foster the personal qualities of high ethical values, a competitive spirit, winning as a part of a team, and excelling individually, cooperation, self-discipline and self-esteem in keeping with the Christian purpose of the institution. Student-athletes may develop their athletic interest and potential through a variety of intercollegiate sports which are financially supported within the University’s budget.

The intercollegiate program also endeavors to stimulate the creation of spirit, pride, and unity within the entire community. It seeks to provide wholesome entertainment for the University and for the citizens of the surrounding areas. It strives to create a positive public image contributing both to the recruitment of students and to the support of the University from its many publics.

Sports Offered at Chowan


  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Soccer
  • Swimming
  • Tennis


  • Acrobatics and Tumbling
  • Basketball
  • Bowling
  • Cheerleading (Co-Ed)
  • Cross Country
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball


  • E-Sports

Conference Affiliation

Chowan University is a member in Conference Carolinas for 16 of its 18 NCAA varsity sponsored sports. Chowan will maintain an associate conference membership with the CIAA (Central Intercollegiate Athletic Conference) for the sports of football and women’s bowling. Conference Carolinas is a NCAA Division II athletics
conference headquartered in Greenville, SC. Member schools are located in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

International Student Services

The University Registrar assists international students with information related to visas, passports, and the I-20 form. The Director of International Student Services works with student issues ranging from admissions and orientation through graduation.


The Department of Student Affairs coordinates an extensive program of competitive and recreational intramurals which enable students, faculty, and staff to improve and maintain physical well-being; socialize in a recreational atmosphere; develop skills in a variety of sports; learn and practice good sportsmanship; relieve stress; and simply have fun!


An extensive program of orientation for new students and their families is held in the spring and summer before classes begin in August. Students who participate in the program receive academic advisement and register for their first semester of classes prior to returning home for the summer. The orientation program is designed to inform students and to help them quickly feel “at home.” Residence Life floor meetings are held to acclimate students to college the first weekend students arrive. Information sessions are held for parents/guardians that allow them to meet and interact with various university officials. An abbreviated program is held for students entering in January.

Organizations and Clubs

There are more than fifty (50) student organizations and clubs at Chowan University with either an academic, professional, honorary and/or personal interest basis. Student organizations provide opportunities for personal enrichment, professional development, leadership development, community service, and the chance to interact with others of similar interests.

Performance Groups

The university provides opportunities for students interested in music and theatre performance. Choral groups include the CHOWAN CHORUS, CHOWAN SINGERS, and MEN’S CHOIR. Instrumental groups include the CHOWAN WINDS, MEHERRIN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA and the JAZZ COMBO. Other music performing ensembles may be organized for special occasions. THEATRE@CHOWAN presents various dramatic productions throughout the school year.

Spiritual Life

In keeping with its Christian heritage, the University promotes spiritual growth stimulated by faith development. Spiritual growth is as important to one’s education as is emotional, physical, and intellectual development. All members of the university community are encouraged to nurture the spiritual dimension of their lives. Students are encouraged to participate in the life and worship of local churches.

Campus Ministry

The Campus Ministry of Chowan University seeks to assist each person as he/she continues on the journey to become all God has created him/her to be.

The Ministers to the University are here to encourage the presence of Christ on our campus and in our community. The Ministers are available to the University community for spiritual growth and guidance, and for assisting persons in exploring ways to share and express their faith in God.

Ministry Opportunities

Campus Worship calls the Chowan community together for authentic Christian fellowship that balances biblical relevance and reverence!

Instruments of Praise, Chowan’s popular gospel choir, is a student-led ministry grounded on Bible study, prayer, and spreading God’s word through song.

E3 is a ministry that provides weekly times of worship, prayer, and praise.

Mimes of God (M.O.G.) allows students to minister through miming on campus and in the community.

Daughters of the Most High is a praise dance team that shares their love of dance to communicate God’s love of all.

Ministry Chaplains are upper-class students who serve in first-year residence halls and in Whites Crossing to help bring a presence of Christ to the daily lives of first-year students.

Community Hall Bible Studies provide a small group atmosphere to equip students to become disciples of Jesus Christ and live out the Great Communion.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) huddle is recognized by the national organization for fellowship and Bible study. FCA is geared to student-athletes, but all are welcome!

International Justice Mission (IJM) is an international ministry aimed at educating and engaging students in the brokenness of the world. Our chapter is bringing global awareness to the University.

Mission Experiences give students the opportunity to share God’s love through local, national, and global service projects.

The Campus Ministry Team can help students choose from dozens of churches in the area. There is a variety of Christian denominations represented in eastern North Carolina.

Student Life

Student activities are an integral part of life outside the classroom. A campus network consisting of the Student Affairs staff, the Student Government Association, Campus Program Board, and resident assistant programming all work closely together to provide a wide variety of exciting activities on a regular basis. Calendars are published each month highlighting upcoming activities. The Hawks Nest Student Center and the Jenkins Center, are major “hubs” on campus for student activities and intramurals.

Residence Life

Residence Life offers students a variety of housing options to choose from. The University’s newest residence complex is Whites Crossing. The first two buildings opened in 2012. Additional buildings opened in 2014 and 2016. They offer apartment (private bedrooms) and suite (shared bedrooms) style living.

In addition to Whites Crossing, six traditional residence halls are located on campus. All rooms are air-conditioned, wired for cable TV connection, and internet services. Bedrooms are furnished with beds and study areas. Most rooms are designed for double-occupancy.

University policy requires all full-time students to live in campus housing unless they meet one of the following conditions: (1) married; (2) live in the community with their parents or grandparents; (3) over 23 years of age; or (4) a veteran of the United States military. A small percentage of junior and senior students are also allowed to live off campus after successful application.

All residence facilities are supervised by full-time professional staff, live-in Assistant Directors of Residence Life and undergraduate Resident Assistants. Room assignments are made through the Housing and Residence Life Office.

Public Safety

The Office of Public Safety is responsible for protecting life and property by enforcing state and university rules and regulations. The staff consists of state-sworn police officer as well as Public Safety officers who patrol the campus on a 24-hour basis by means of foot, and vehicle patrol. An escort service is available to and from any campus building upon request. The office sponsors special seminars on a regular basis dealing with such topics as crime prevention and fire safety. Public Safety works closely with local and state law enforcement agencies.

While the University takes all possible precautions to help residents protect their possessions, the University does not assume responsibility for items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.

Students are advised to determine if their possessions are covered by their parents’ home owner insurance or, if needed, invest in adequate personal property insurance coverage.

Student Conduct and Expectations

The University is committed to Christian values that create an academic community that is orderly, caring and just. At Chowan every person is considered to be a person of worth. Cultural backgrounds, attitudes, and opinions different from our own are welcomed and appreciated; however, any form of harassment, hazing, lewd, or indecent behavior will not be tolerated. The University takes a strong stance against drug abuse, possession of firearms, and pyrotechnics. Drinking or possession of intoxicating beverages is not permitted on campus. The Honor Code, Campus Code, and rules and regulations are specifically stated in the current edition of the Student Handbook. Students are responsible for their own actions and behavior and are held accountable as such. The University reserves the right to contact parents when the conduct of a student places him/herself or others at risk.

Student Government Association

All students are automatically members of the Student Government Association (SGA). The SGA provides students the opportunity to participate in the operation of the university, to gain experience in democratic procedures, and to become actively involved in the planning and implementation of university-sponsored activities.


There are a number of traditions celebrated at Chowan University, some are once a year activities and others happen throughout the year. Each new academic year begins with a campus-wide worship service to dedicate the year to the Christian values of the university. Academic and Founders’ Day Convocation is a gathering of students, faculty, and staff to celebrate the beginning of the academic year and to reflect on Chowan’s past, present, and future. During the Fall Semester the greatest tradition is Homecoming that includes a talent show, casino night, a semi-formal dance where the homecoming court is announced, a pep rally and bonfire, a parade and of course the annual Homecoming football game.

The story of the Chowan ghost known as the Brown Lady begins around the time of the Civil War. The woman who was a student at the time was engaged to a man who died in battle. When she received the news she either died of a broken heart or jumped to her death. In another version, the Brown Lady hails from an aristocratic farm family in Northampton County. During her sophomore year, she died of fever. Her taste in clothes ran to the earth tones, hence her name. She appears on campus, usually around Halloween, the date of her death, to test the spirit of loyalty of the students and to see if they have fallen away from the lofty ideals of Chowan. To remember her spirit, Chowan holds a Brown Lady academic bowl in her honor. The campus creative writing magazine is titled The Brown Lady. Each year, a representative from the Honors College dresses in Brown Lady garb for Halloween.

Harvest Fest is an annual event hosted by the Student Government Association in collaboration with over twenty-five student clubs and organizations. Chowan students set up booths with activities, food, and candy for local children to enjoy. This safe alternative to trick-or-treating is free to the public. Not only does it offer children a safe, fun time, it also allows them to experience a small taste of college life and interact with current students.

As the university moves into the Spring Semester attention turns increasingly toward graduation. Still, there are a number of traditional activities that take place prior to commencement. These include the Snow Ball, a semi-formal dance, and spring fling, a week of festivities marking the end of winter. With Forty-eight days remaining until graduation, Senior 48 is a party for the senior class. The annual Awards Day Convocation brings together students, faculty, and staff to reaffirm the major purpose of a university—to foster academic excellence—and to honor the achievements of the Chowan University students and faculty. A faculty member serves as the keynote speaker. On the last evening of classes, the Senior Banquet honors graduating students. Following the banquet, the candidates for graduation ring the bell to signify the end of their academic career at Chowan.

Another tradition at Chowan is the Senior Rock. Located just behind Penny Hall, the Senior Rock was requested by the Class of 2003. Officially, members of the senior class have the right to decorate it.